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“Go to discover oneself and others : one step for social inclusion"
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It's a project built up a partnership between the city of Sassay and the ; Community of village of Controis and the Compagnons Bâtisseurs. The goal is to meet young people from 15 to17 years old, from 5 european coutries, around a project nammed " Go to discover onself and others : one step for social inclusion". They will talk talk about problems we have to solve for a social inclusion of youngs in Europe, wich is a strong point for them to fing a job, training... The meeting will take place from 18th of July to 7e of august in Sassay (France, Loir et Cher) with an adult to coach them, that's mean a group of 25 youngs, 5 adults and one personn to anim it. They will speak in english and french, and try to involve the participation of the youngs, who will be part of the decisions. They could use games, expositions, théorical speachs, meeting with others actors... The project mean to : - improve the mobilisation of each by a collective engagement - discovery of buildings jobs - give self confidence to young people -talk about future, with sharing experience and views betwens european young people -improve curiosity and wiling - improve sprirt of comman-work - be aware that a group can be a stong, and a collective intelligence -work on young's mobility, improve open-mind with multicultural exchanges and reflexion about european democraty.
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