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GO MOVET III - Mobility Across Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Resume of the Project Participants: Project will be attended by the students of the fields of Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Technical Lyceum, and Mechanical Engineering, who specialize in mentioned fields under the terms of the new School Educational Programme. Before the mobility a sending-out school offers an intensive preparation in the chosen technical specialization as well as language courses with the information on the country, culture and specifics of the accepting country. After completing the professional scholarship in the foreign country the participants gain professional, language and social competence with European added value. Needs: The educational plans of The School Educational System contain the key professional fields of international extent: PLC Programming, Electropneumatics, CAD/CAM Systems and CNC Programming. At the beginning of the mobility, participants have the basic knowledge of these fields. Individual modules contain further expanding parts, which are not taught in home school, mainly because of the absence of the dual system in Slovakia. Especially the industry increases requirements of their future employees to train the new technologies, their mastering and using in further new conditions. Project modules can train their participants for that. Besides that young people should be prepared for the specialized foreign stays. Planned project does not forget the development of intercultural and language competence during mobility stays abroad. Globalisation and net connections of the companies demand all those personal attributes of the future professionals. Main aims of the project: Taking part in mobility enables students to be flexible to acquire new knowledge and skills, which are defined in national educational plans, in changed conditions. The emphasis is put on acquiring new theoretical knowledge as well as its applying in particular practice in conditions of the real working place of the company and also in multinational groups. Acquired competence will be capable to be accepted in European counties due to its transparency in the process of learning, testing and evaluation. Participants will learn to reduce their reservations and prejudice against the stays abroad and will learn their European neighbours as partners. Social and intercultural competence will be improved in great extent. The participants are simultaneously becoming multipliers and ambassadors of European uniting process. The course of the project: A three-week long stay enables understanding, processing and applying the contents of educational modules as well as intensive language exchange. A week long theoretical education at school with exact time schedule prepares the participants for two-week long practical training in a partnership company with its professionals. Cultural part of mobility is organized by accepting schools. During the mobility as well as at its end there will be a committee of people including teachers, tutors, masters of professional training and deputies of the companies who will test, evaluate and certificate the educational outcomes and extended competence. It will be done in coaction with ECVET and VQTS systems. Working and testing language is English. Expected outcomes: Apart from learning the ordained educational contents students should extend and strengthen their methodical competence on professional and intercultural basis. Mobility should deepen the will to attend professional foreign stays and also train independent learning. Cooperation in multinational groups supports using languages. Cooperation with the local companies will offer the young ones a further respectively a new view of the working process. They will be able to evaluate their own professional requirements and competence. Total contribution lies in acquiring more quality and complex competence of the student professional training and his/her further application in labour market at home and abroad. Last but not least, carrying-out the international projects helps to consolidate the cooperation with foreign partnership schools and companies, to improve the prestige of the school via modernisation of educational methods and procedures, to motivate raising the qualification of teachers as well as to make vocational education, which is very necessary and desired, even more attractive.

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