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GLODEV - Training programme for global development

The aim of the GLODEV project is to create training materials for development cooperation professionals (in particular, those involved in designing and planning development programmes for under-developed areas).The project will define a model for European training and refresher courses designed to introduce participants to certain skills which they will need (i.e. methods and techniques for programming social, economic and environmental projects) throughout their careers. In addition, the project will seek to encourage exchange of information on work and training opportunities at the European level.The results of the project will be: a dedicated Internet site; a database on training opportunities and the training tools used; a CD-ROM presenting the training process; training tools for people working in development cooperation; a multimedia kit containing tools for pre-selection/selection of staff and guides to the different operational sectors for promoters of development projects; and a multimedia kit for people taking training courses (training modules, virtual library and case studies).The beneficiaries will be organisations working on development cooperation and persons undergoing training.

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