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Global Sustainable Youth
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The subject of the project 'Global Sustainable Youth' is to address all aspects of sustainable development and global climate change and present them to youth and youth workers. Through these subjects we'll also facilitate new; creative and innovative teaching methods, long-term international partnerships, multicultural acceptance and learning, we'll also foster youth mobility and develop greater awarenes of global climate changes and of sustainable development. We will develop skills, meaning and knowledge about non formal learning. We'll achieve this aims through different activities:- seminar greater awarenes of global climate changes and of sustainable development- youth exchange- study visit- evaluation meeting- web page portal and applications- promotion of good practices to participants and to othersActivities will take places in six different countries: Slovenia, Malta, Turkey, China, Cambodia and Philippines. We expect that 151 participants will be directly involved in the project and about 250 will indirectly benefit from our activities.The main outputs of the project will be four phases in of the project in different countries: seminar, study visit, youth exchange and evaluation meeting. Beside that we will publish leafleats about our activities and organize press conferences. At the end we will collect results and prepare a dvd which can be used as study material. During the project we will set the web page and portal which will connect participants and promote good practice of this project also after the project implementation.Dissemination of the results of the project will be done in many ways. Every partner will promote project and its resultas in own country, with the gained knowledge all partners^ will proceed with educational, promotional and awareness activities with youth in their countries, web page for the project will be set up and also promotion and awareness campaigns through media will be done, press conferences will be done, DVD with project summary will be published, more than 50 different articles on the web, articles for different local media in each partner country. Big importance will have our own web page and forum. All partenrs have good relations with local communities which will support and promote our activities and rusults. All partners will disseminate results and good practice of the project through their own natioanal and international formal and informal networks.Our project will have an impact for empowerment of participants and organisations involved in the project who will be able to run projects with youth from the field we cover by their self or do it on a higher level. The knowledge gained will be disseminated by the partners within their networks they already have established. Local communities of all partners will support and promote the project and its results so there will be impact on on public structures. Very precious is experience of each individual who participate in such international project to develop their own capacity and life experience.
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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants