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Global Skills Through Experience in Peace and Solidarity
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our European society is currently dealing with a multitude of problems : intolerance, disengagement, radicalisation and economic exclusion are on the rise. These problems are strengthened by feelings of disillusionment and in some cases a lack of perspective. One of the causes is the inability of many people, especially young people, to find suitable jobs or even any job at all. Many people are confronted with unemployment or are overqualified for the jobs they hold.Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS) are small-scale initiatives set up by private citizens in the Global North on a volunteer basis. These small organisations are engaged in improving the living standards of people in the Global South, or dealing with global issues in the North. It is estimated that in Europe there are more than 200 thousand such organisations. People working on a volunteer basis in CIGS gain a valuable set of new skills and capacities, such as in management, language, negotiation, organisation, communication and many more. These skills and capacities are not formally assessed and rarely recognized. Should these skills and capacities be fully recognised they can contribute to the employability of the people who obtain them.The Global STEPS project therefore aims at providing evidence of the added value of global citizenship experience for skills development, facilitating recognition of key competencies developed through global citizenship experience and through this recognition, improved access to quality employment. The project intends to reinforce the positive effect of active global citizenship outside of formal education by raising self-awareness about the competencies people acquire in their global citizenship practices and helping to translate those into saleable skills.The project does so by creating a common understanding of what Global Citizenship entails amongst the 4 partners working in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Close links will be identified in the process with the European Key Competence Framework. With this, the partners will start developing a methodology that enables the identification and qualification of non-formal skills and competencies. A competence builder tool will be generated, and a model item will be developed to introduce into CVs/application forms which will also be applicable to the Europass CV. A certificate will acknowledge the process of acquiring competencies through Global Citizenship experiences. These tools and methodologies will be made accessible through an online interactive platform accessible in the 4 countries that enables participants to assess their current level of non formal skills and find new opportunities to improve their skills and competencies. In order to guarantee that the tools are relevant and well used, guidelines and training will be developed and delivered so that other stakeholder organisations are able to use them. Through development of the tools and platforms, more than 450 people will benefit from the project directly while 50.000 will be reached through dissemination events and other project activities.The project will be evaluated with the outcome mapping method, enabling partners, beneficiaries and CIGS to make assessments at the start and at the end of the project on those aspects and impacts of the project we consider essential. The ultimate and sustainable project product will be a methodology to enable people to assess how their Global Citizenship experiences can improve their skills over time. This platform will be available online in all 4 countries and can be further expanded into other European countries.
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3 Partners Participants