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Global Skills med ERASMUS+
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Duration of mobilities has now with ERASMUS+ become more flexsible which will be considered when planning the needs in actual mobilities. But experience is that you can have a lot of outcome from a 1 week visit. And as a rule this will be the duration. Skive Technical School has a tradition of participating in international projects. As part of the school's strategy against drop outs and for internationalization, we have sought funds to provide exchange with Finnish, French, Swedish, Czech and German cooperative schools. This year we also include HMCollege from Amsterdam who we look forward to work with. Through the deployment of teachers in collaborating schools abroad we know that they get skills and insights they can use; at the same time it motivates them to 'sell' the exchange of students. Through their own experience and contacts they get a more intimate relationship with the places and persons we could send students to. Moreover, our teachers during visits to other countries that do things differently, has a different professional culture etc. gets a feeling for what concerns students and their parents in connection with an upcoming exchange. Finally they train their communication skills in a foreign language and can classify their own professional skills in an international perspective that students can benefit from. The mission will last one week during which visitors get: • A deeper introduction to the visited country's education system • Opportunity to study the teaching practices of the organization they are visiting • Opportunity to visit other social partners in the country • Companies in the local area which could be relevant to their professional horizons • Opportunity to discuss their experience and work on developing educational tools that can make teaching and learning better • Knowledge of training and organization of education in the country visited • Possibility to develop and train teachers to be more successful with their education and avoid drop-out; drop out appears to be a growing problem in all countries • Opportunity to practice and get better at communication in a foreign language about a foreign culture and about one’s own cultural property and academic tradition • Insight into the country's production in the respective disciplines • Insight into the country's culture and history • Good experiences that will motivate teachers to make students more interested in acquiring knowledge gain new knowledge, experience, practice communication and a lot more through an exchange visit to another country with a whole different story and other professional and educational traditions, which it can be healthy to gain insight into whether they are better or worse than the traditions you come from. We have in the period 2013 to 2015 had teachers in Sweeden, Finland, Czech Republic, and Germany and been visited by Czech, Finnish, French, and Spanish teachers from different professions. It has given our teachers a boost and opened their eyes to give students internationalization in a completely different way than before. In teaching it counts much more that you can tell from your own experience / anecdotal on experiences in other countries as well professional from school and company visits as private from dinners and hospitality in private homes in a manner that is foreign to most Danes! Partners are selected in order to be able to provide input on the professions and education we have in Skive Technical Institute and in order to inspire us in the educational field and the use of renewable energy as we have staked a lot on the last years. Teacher mobility to some extent have to take place outside the 'student season' for both parties and implemented in concert with partners to fit both our and their due dates. Wood teachers are sent primarily to partner schools in France and Italy, carpenters also Finland. Here they also have excellent El departments and partners are very interesting for renewable energy topic sun / water. Upholstery teachers like France, also Italy and auto saddlers go to Sweden. For our metal and toolmaker teachers Germany is very interesting, but also Sweden. Visits can be part of creating networks for future cooperation and exchange of students.

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10 Partners Participants