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Global Development
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Rothersthorpe is a small Church of England Primary School in a rural village location with approximately 100 children 4-11 years. Predominately white British and currently no EAL children. We positively promote other cultures, languages and disabilities. The curriculum we offer is not merely academic, but embraces the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils. We are fully committed to the sharing of good practice and collaboration between schools and local communities. We strongly believe in continuing professional development and striving to improve the curriculum for our pupils, our school family and local community. To prepare our pupils to live and work in a global society we aim to develop European links. Our project objectives are to: - Include global learning links in our school curriculum map. - Enhance teaching and learning through using a range of creative global teaching strategies. - Enhance our I.T curriculum by including links to a global community through the use of blogging, email and ipads. - Improve problem solving opportunities and outcomes in Mathematics - Provide a wider range of cultural experiences for our pupils.The project with include 6 members of staff, Headteacher, experienced class teachers and Level 3 teaching assistants who have been selected to cover a range of experiences. I have listed names of 4 of the members of staff, but due to possible staff changes this may need amending to include 2 more staff. Also the Headteacher and one teacher may attend both courses.To achieve our objectives, we have selected 2 training courses in two different countries.Participants will receive quality training from the Finish and Belgium Education system. (Leadership in Education - Helsinki, Finland) and Mathematics in Flanders Belgium. This will include understanding of practices and policies; increasing competencies with own practice; improving management skills in order to operate within an international setting; sharing good practice and evaluating own practice in order to integrate new approaches; working collaboratively in developing plans. The methodology in carrying out this project is to widen staff's knowledge and experiences in teaching and learning in a global society by visiting European/international schools of excellence; inspiring and motivating staff in using a range of creative global teaching approaches; to be able to collaborate with teachers and educators from within Europe; to receive quality professional global training; to improve pupil outcomes in their social, moral and cultural understanding. We expect participants to be inspired and excited by receiving training from an excellent school in another country. The training will support their continuing professional development and give them confidence for their future training needs; improve their knowledge of other cultures; another language; I.T; problem solving in Maths; a range of teaching methods.A number of outcomes will be a direct result of this project:a better understanding of creative methodsincreased awareness of ICT toolscultural and up-to-date knowledge of various countries an increased awareness of the culture and languages of other countriesincreased level of understanding of teaching techniques and methodsenhanced teachers' confidence, enhanced understanding of educational systems in other countriesenhanced leadership skillsThe impact will be that our school will produce a creative and inspiring global curriculum with I.T links to a global community.We expect our pupils to be more confident in using other languages; extend their understanding of a range of other cultures; be more confident in using I.T to blog and communicate more effectively across the world; widen their experiences of problem solving across the curriculum.As our school collaborates within our community, cluster and teaching alliance, training may reach well over 300 teachers/educators and pupils from over 40 schools in Northamptonshire. By creating a global curriculum we are positive that our staff and pupils will be confident to live, work and liaise within a global society. In the future our pupils may well affect European policies through sustainability and social justice.
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