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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project was developed for the European mobility of specific figures operating inside the educational institutions. These figurescalled Digital Animators are each in charge of their own Institute to accompany and animate schools’ change and digitization in thecoming years. The animator, together with the School Principals and the Chief Financial Officers, will have a strategic role in thespread of the technological innovation in schools and in society. They will contribute to the establishment of a Digital Society whereall the citizens have the necessary skills to interact, through virtual channels, with other people, companies and private and publicbodies. That's why the ambitious project title: “Digital Animators - The Future Innovators and Promoters of a Digital Citizenship”. Thetraining experience abroad of these new figures will enrich their knowledge and technological expertise and will stimulate them tointroduce new creative solutions in the teaching methods and experimental in the learning environments.The learning mobility is a key element in the European cooperation strategy for the development of knowledge. Mobility impacts onthe personal and professional growth of all workers and youth, on the movement of ideas, projects, best practices and competences.The areas for improvement the Consortium partners aspire to are those of the quality of the education and training system, theteachers’ and school staff’s language and digital skills, and the relationship with the territory and the organizations for the creationof a European educational and training project focused on development, innovation, modernization, and social cohesion.In particular, the main objectives the project aims at are:• Improve the digitization of schools operating on the regional territory;• Internationalize and modernize the educational institutions;• Reinforce the digital competences of all those who work to inside the school community (teachers, administrative and auxiliarystaff, students);• Stimulate teachers to use technological innovations applied to teaching;• Formulate quality standards and indicators that can assess the improvement in educational courses supported by advanced digitaltools;• Provide students, citizens and future managers of our country with the principles of digital citizenship by teaching them a correctand responsible use of technology.The training contents of the Digital Animators, at universities and / or specialized training centers, will focus on some of these issues:• Technology facilities, connectivity (, fiber optic, ...), and classrooms / laboratories layouts• Digital devices and software solutions for the introduction of innovative approaches and practices in teaching;• Interactive digital environments and collaborative in Cloud platforms (Hall 2.0, Hall 3.0);• Integrating education and electronic register;• Integration between the school operational and the educational aspects;• New digital curricula;• Development techniques of applications and app (coding);• Techniques of handcrafted digital production (FabLab) with Arduino board and 3D Printer.The project duration is 16 months and includes several activities: preparation, training and professional development, follow-up, anddissemination of results.The preparatory work includes the launch in the territory and the language and cultural preparation.As a training session, the animators can choose between a refresher course at universities and specialized training centers or jobshadowing at a school / training institution in Europe.As for the follow-up, we expect a positive outcome of the European project not only on teachers but on the whole schoolcommunity and in particular on the main targets, namely students. At a time of employment crisis, as the one we are experiencing inrecent years, motivating students in the solutions of digital projects can lead them to the creation of innovative start-upssupporting SME (small medium enterprises).The project results will be disseminated internationally via the corporate website of USR Marche, the Consortium leader, and to allthe members and partners through local and national media.

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