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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT In Campania youth unemployment is estimated to be around 40%. However in this region, in the forthcoming months, companies working in componentry field are estimated to hire a quarter of graduates (between specialized and non-graduates, graduates). Apart from the large number of SMEs, multinational corporates will play an important role. Our National Consortium is already cooperating with these stakeholders(inside Schools technical committees and inside the partners? networks) OBJECTIVES Our main objectives, in line with Eramsus + vet learners guidelines, has been the development of specific skills, knowledge and competences of 76 students of the institutes composing our consortium. Internships have lasted 4 weeks and has been organized as in-company work experiences. Participants have travelled to Romania and Ireland(where our EU partners are located ) and have been trained in components design for renewable energies sector. Mobility has fostered European citizenship, hard skills, language skills in 2 different EU languages. The project have also started a pilot action involving the companies composing the CTS of each school of the consortium, and also other entities not directly linked to the partnership, with the aim of promoting the ECVET skills certification and validation system. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES The project has been realized and widely shared with all the potential stakeholders through a strong dissemination campaign, taking advantage of websites, social media and other possible channels managed by the consortium partners. It has been realized in 2 complementary macro-actions: - implementation of transnational working experiences, lasting 4 weeks and accompanying students into the labour market, - design of IN-COMPANY internship protocols according to ECVET system For ECVET recognitions: Companies and other entities composing schools CTS have been invited in taking part to a common path for the definition of activities and skills. At the end of the project, they have signed, all together(partners of the project consortium, entities and companies composing schools CTS), an Expression of Interest regarding national and European training actions and their certification and validation with ECVET. METHODOLOGY Activities have been realized by a transnational partnership, which is mainly composed by companies and entities who have already gained experience in mobility projects and Leonardo da Vinci program. This has happened because of a strategic choice aimed to maximize the quality of the project, and, at the same time, to disseminate consolidate best practices. The project has operated on 2 relevant issues: it has contributed to the empowerment of specific skills of the final beneficiaries, accompanying them in entering the local labour market; it has strengthened the relationships among companies also not directly involved in the project activities, but playing a key role in the job offer and skills validation and recognition. Communication among partners has been in English in order to facilitate the entire project implementation. RESULTS In brief, the project is expected to achieve the following results: - Enriching the training offer of the schools involved, adding transnational relationships development. - transferring and repeating outputs and best practices to be apllied by companies in local, regional and transnational context (documentation, relationships building, identification of training objectives, certification and validation in ECVET system, Etc.) IMPACT AND LONG TERM BENEFITS Project activities are envisaged as the action of empowerment based on transactional significant multiplier effect that will affect businesses and institutions (including public institutions) interested in the activities training and work. With these stakeholders we will implement best practices in the field of recognition of skills that will clearly affect the ordinary training and work activities beyond the mere project duration. This joint action will produce internships, apprenticeships and professional experience recognized in the field of ECVET and closer to the needs of the students and the actual technical demands of the production context.
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4 Partners Participants