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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Administrative Management in European companies I" allowed three students graduate in June 2015 complete their training by performing a one month internship in Finnish companies. The activities carried out in enterprises consisted in supporting the preparation and processing of administrative documents in departments such as Accounting, Human Resources, Comercial, Production, etc. The project coordinator travelled with them and introduced them to the teachers of the Secondary School, likewise she went with them to companies, verifying in situ the start of the program and help them to integrate in the new environment. Objectives - Improve motivation, self-empowerment and self-esteem of students - To Know the production sectors, the sources of wealth of the economy from a European country - To Know administrative management (preparation and processing of documentation) of a European company - To improve their English level - To increase employability and career prospects - For the tutor professor: To know the Finnish education system in order to integrate best practices and new methods that are appropriate. To Know the characteristics of companies where students conduct practices through the initial visit and subsequent contacts. Participant´s profiles - Graduates in the intermediate level "Administrative Management". The traineeship in Finnish companies have been adjusted to their profile. Activities performed - Linguistic preparation: Evaluation and English course through the OLS tool - Cultural Preparation - Plan their trip - Traineeship in companies for 1 month - Integration into the environment - Students return with a certificate from the company in which they performed their practices and other from the host school - The Europass mobility certificate was made for them - Dissemination of project results through holding a special meeting at the school in which parents, teachers, the press and other students were invited The results Results in the Secondary School - Less dropout in Intermediate course of vocational training (FP II) because we offer interesting opportunities - Increased interest and motivation which will improve final results - Our Secondary School provides opportunities to complete training in other countries - Knowledge of an European country and the enjoyment of this opportunity will lead to a greater awareness of the European project and the values of the EU Results in students - It increased their understanding of the economic structure of a country and the administrative management in enterprises - It means an incentive to deepen the study of English and to continue their studies by taking the Higher Level (FP III) - To live this experience meant greater self-confidence because they faced a new environment, for some it was the first time they went out from Spain and left their family environment - More opportunities to find work - Mobility was a source of personal and professional growth Results in teachers - As a result of the visit to the Secondary School we have seen new ways of organizing the teaching methodology and other forms of assessment that caused a reflection on the teaching process and in some cases meant changes, for example, communication with students through social networks and increase students's self esteem - Increased willingness to integrate best practices and new methods in daily activities - Improvement of English skills : writing and more fluent speech because it is the language with which we communicate to carry out the project. - It offered them opportunities for students to improve their employability, reaffirming the value of teachers' work and encouraged him towards continuous improvement The expected impact - Increased number of enrollments and lower dropout - Extending the educational offer these programs - More motivated students. Although only have a chance to go the best students, they will influence positively on the whole group - Teachers more satisfied and motivated with their work - Teachers with higher educational knowledge and economy - We are going to be pioneers in these programs in the Administrative branch in our province and we'll be a role model - General impact: Increased value and prestige to teaching Long-term benefits - Higher quality teaching - Increased motivation and satisfaction in teachers and students - Greater awareness of the European project and the values of the EU
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