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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ADRIMAG is an entity that works for the development of the region composed by 7 municipalities and the community that represents. To carry out its mission through its valences, to develop synergies between actions, programs, local employees, many of them in partnership with other entities.The entity over the years has played a key role in raising the population's skill levels, actively working in training and adult education, formless and informal, in close coordination with the municipalities compose the intervention zone of ADRIMAG .Since 2013 this territory, called Magical Mountains, has been stating in view of their natural heritage, geological, associated cultural, aiming to become a geopark. This wealth required to be preserved and above all appreciative. This is why ADRIMAG and municipalities have been developing work in adult education in the area of geoeducation.In this sense, this application happens in partnership with municipalities as consortium members, to develop and equip professionals working in the field of geoeducation with more innovative tools and instruments. Given the importance and dynamism developed around learning throughout life and geoeducation, we think that the Geoeducation in Action project is a real asset to the area, particularly in skills acquisition, sharing, exchange and transfer of methodologies and development of a multicultural awareness contributing to building a European identity. The current economic environment, in particular the interdependence between countries and regions, requires of ADRIMAG and of the municipalities to develop an international vision and adopting instruments and more globalizing attitudes that accompany the challenges and to meet a comprehensive European culture, rethinking concepts and strategies in this area. So the GEOEDUCATION IN ACTION project will contribute to this purpose, taking some steps towards the development of more specific actions in the context of non-formal and informal education, namely in the area of geoeducation.

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