European Projects
Gender... Let's talk!
Gender... Let's talk!
Start date: May 1, 2015,
End date: Apr 30, 2016
The idea of this training course was born because of the meeting of some educators from different Countries.Talking about the gender topic we realized that many of our colleagues are feeling not prepared enough to manage the questions and the perplexity of their youngsters regarding the search of his/her own gender identity.Nowadays a big part of the society realized that the classical division of the world in males and females, with roles and well defined behaviors, isn't enough. It's not anymore a good answer and it doesn't help the educators in support adequately their youngsters: nowadays is necessary that the educators prepare themselves and reflect about how to manage the different sensibilities.
For this reason, aside from the personal opinions on this matter, it is important to create occasions for producing a true comparison and a constructive dialogue. This is what we feel the lack about: many educators and teachers, but also parents and civil society, are asking for spaces where discuss and deeply understand this theme, but at the moment, in the European Union, despite a formal common position (an important example is given by the European Parliament resolution of 12th March 2013 on eliminating gender stereotypes in the EU (2012/2116 (INI) but, in general, since the Beijing Declaration (1995), there are numerous official documents about this point), there really isn't a true agreement among the citizens of Members States.
And this is true especially for Italy, where the debate is particularly heated and, nowadays, the tones of the dialogue reveal only a destructive attitude like "wall against wall" that doesn't bring to any constructive advancement.For this reason we have thought about organizing, in Italy, a training course for people with educational responsibility (educators, teachers, youth workers, youth leaders etc...).
The main aim of the project is to improve the quality of the dialogue on gender topic and, particularly, on the gender stereotypes.
The general objectives are:
1. to contribute to increase the occasions of comparison;
2. to contribute to the professional training and the achievement of self confidence as educators/teachers, in front of questions and doubts about gender identity;
3. to improve the empathy level of educators/teachers, but also of the educational system in general.
In the project there will be: 3 trainers,2 staff people and 27 participants.Countries involved: Italy, Spain, Palestine, Finland, Armenia, Iceland, Morocco, Portugal, Estonia.The course will have a duration of 9 days (2 of trip) and will include:
A) analysis of the key – concepts;
B) analysis of ourselves: skills, competences, acceptance of our own stereotypes (all of us have some!);
C) analysis of some local good practice and exchange of the participants' good practices;
D) analysis and comparison of the cultures of the involved Countries;
E) analysis of the existing gender theories,point of view and of some particularly indicative cultures;
F) knowledge of the more useful, for the gender topic,European Programmes(Erasmus+ and Creative Europe - EACEA, Rights Equality and Citizenship - DG Justice);
G) planning some follow-ups.
The working methodology will be a mix among non formal, formal and informal. We will stimulate the active participation and we will leave space,in the programme,to the initiative and the ideas proposed by the participants.
The results that we propose to reach concern, from the "inside" point of view of the project,the fact to succeed in creating a group in which very different cultures are compared in a constructive way,where the participants will exchange ideas and good practices,understands the points of view and the reasons of whom thinks in a different way and, from the professional side, understands better the gender topic, feel to be able to support his/her youngsters and their doubts, develops more empathy and sensibility, with the purpose to individualize and to prevent complicated situations that could bring negative situations such as:bullying, marginalization, violence, physical and/or mental coercion.More than this, looking at the "external" effects and at the long duration that we want the project to produce, we must point out, more than everything else, the curiosity and the stimulus to continue the dialogue.We want to encourage the beginning of a dialogue that, today, is missing. And we want that what seen and learned in the TC became a stimulus for both the participants,the involved associations and the local communities to continue to make questions and to create new moments of comparison, because we believe that only a really constructive dialogue and a loyal comparison can introduce changes in the society and bring values like social solidarity and equal treatment of all the persons, independently from the biological sex, from the gender and from the sexual orientation.