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Gender in Kindertagesstätten - starke Mädchen und starke Jungen für Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Marianum Hegne is a private school in patronage of the catholic church which offers different educations. The vocational training offers the possibility to become state-approved nursery teacher. For one third of each class the mobility project provides a chance to collect working experience abroad. Fourteen of our students absolve a three week traineeship in Plymouth (GB) while six students work in Linz (Austria). The mobility project runs under the heading of "Gender in nursery schools - strong girls and boys for Europe". This topic is central to the project because it arouses the students' awareness for various approaches to gender pedagogics in the different European countries. One aim is to foster professional competence an social skills in reference to gender pedagogics. All students prepare themselves for their stay in concern to language and culture in meetings over a six-month period. In these meetings students grapple with the project topic and reflect upon methodical and didactical transfer in their future facilities. Students also have to rely on themselves while preparing and organizing the whole stay, so this offers the possibility of personal growth in organizational skills, communication and team competence. The Tellus Group Ltd. is our partner in Plymouth and is responsible for the organization of guest families and traineeships. The BAKIP (Bildungsanstalt für Kindergartenpaedagogik) provides for the housing and the traineeships in Linz. We also welcome students from Linz and offer them accomodation and traineeships. In the end we evaluate the whole exchange by requesting feedback from our partners, from the individual facilities and from each single student and use it as a basis for improvements in future years. As a final step, students present their experiences in front of the whole school after their return. This way the project is presented to a broad public. We also publish our activities in the project at our website and in our anual school-magazine "Marianumsbrief".

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