European Projects
Gençler Kariyer Yolunda, Karar Alıcılar Hep Yanınd..
Gençler Kariyer Yolunda, Karar Alıcılar Hep Yanında
Start date: Jan 4, 2016,
End date: Sep 3, 2016
Youth on the Career Path, Decision-Makers Together withTR33 region has been experiencing an economic transformation from agriculture sector to industry and service sectors due to its geostrategic location and rising infrastructure investment puring into the region especially for 20 years. In order to ensure this transformation, the region needs to have a qualified labor profile. Therefore, this project aims to canalize graduated students from the universities in the region into the qualified workforce. The development of the region and the success of the mentioned economic transformation heavily depend on the issue of holding the qualified labor in the region. Furthermore, informing the university students in the region about the region’s existing economic potentials will contribute to the students’ employability. In the context of the project, young in the region will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the Regional Development Plan through coming together with the decision makers in the region. Besides, the prepared draft action plan proposals by the participants will contribute to the determination of regional policies. The overall objectives of this project is to raise students’ awareness and inform them about the cities and region, inform the students about the economic sectors, business life and career planning, include the young in the decision making processes of determining and implementing regional policies, promote university-industry partnership through including the young in that process and enhance the qualified labor ratio in the region through informing employees about the young’s demands.Direct participant group consists of 60 women and 60 men who are determined by the each university in the region evenly. That is, each university designates 30 participants through taking gender equality into account. The participants will take part in career day which is organized by their own universities as well as they will play an active role in workshop which will take place at the same week with the each university’s own career day. That is, there will be 4 workshops within the scope of the same activity. Furthermore, as the heads of the student project coordination teams,1 woman and 1 man representatives and 8 representatives in total who are elected democratically within the participant groups from each university will present the workshop reports and draft regional action plan proposals to the Agency’s board of directors. Moreover, as the member of the student project coordination team, 6 students elected among 30 students from each university will present abovementioned reports and draft action plan proposals to their own cities’ executives and pioneer firms. Also, they will attend to the ministry and National Agency visits in Ankara with the total 6 support personnel assigned by the each university in the region and the Agency. 5 ministry visits and National Agency visit will be realized in the Ankara visit activity. These ministries are Ministry of European Union, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Development and Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. This activity will be quite beneficial for the participants in terms of concerting with decision makers and acquainting themselves with the area of employment at the public institutions and organizations and presenting draft action plan proposals which are prepared by them. The methods which will be utilized throughout the conducting process of this project are outcome driven and they were shaped in the light of the needs analysis. Furthermore, project evaluation questionnaire was designed to ensure the measurability of the project’s results. Thanks to this questionnaire, it will be evaluated to what extend participants’ awareness about their career plans have been improved after the project.Short term impacts of this project can be correlated with the contribution to the partnership among the regional actors and their ability of coordination in the matters of young employment, concerting the young with the decision-makers and the young’s active participation to the democratic practices. In the long-run, it is foreseen that the activities within the scope of this projects will become tradition in TR33 region first and then they will spread other parts of Turkey. From this point of view, the embodiment process of this project stems from the principle of sustainability.Thus, in the long-run, Region’s sustainable economic growth will be promoted by this project through the proper channeling of the young population in the region into the labor market.