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Gemeinsam Lernen und Arbeiten - Praxiserfahrungen für Heilerziehungspfleger in einer tschechischen Einrichtung der Behindertenhilfe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project: "Learning and working together - Practical experience for Social Care Workers in a Czech organisation of services for the disabled" The project includes 19 students of the specialised school for Social Care Work of the foundation Eben-Ezer in Lemgo. All students are completing an extra-occupational education as Social Care Workers and shall therefore carry out a two-week placement in a specialised section of a school for people with disabilities of the Slezska Diakonie Ceskin Tesin. The basic idea of this project is to gain practical experience by integrating the students into daily working procedures of an organisation of services for the disabled in an EU member state. Furthermore, the students shall acquire personal as well as professional skills which can contribute to their own professionalisation, but which can also contribute to the work in the foundation Eben-Ezer as a valuable experience abroad. Moreover, they will tackle the structure and function of the system of the services for the disabled in the Czech Republic in the form of a comparative examination. By discussing this system with the employees of the partner organisation, the students shall examine whether the structural and functional requirements for the realisation of inclusion are given. In addition to that, the students shall check whether the application of certain elements to the system of the services for the disabled in Germany are possible and useful. By offering the students the opportunity to be involved in the concrete application of methods of Social Care Work, in the practical implementation of Individual Education Plans (IEP's) as well as in the carrying out and the securing of standards of care, the partner organisation enables them the exact observation, evaluation and critical discussion with the quality of work already undertaken. The knowledge gained from this can thereby be useful for further strategic development for the current organisation up to a more inclusive society for both partners, for the region in which they are resident and beyond that. The participants of the project, both students and the employees involved in the partner organisation can in this sense be regarded as disseminators. In general, this project represents a further building block in the collaborative cooperation and interconnectedness of both organisations in terms of a European integration.
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