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Geležinkelio transporto specialistų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vilnius Vocational School of Railway and Business Services (further - VGTVPM) applying for the project "Improvement of Professional competencies of Specialists from Railway Transport Sector" wants to help vocational training teachers and students from railway sector to get theoretical and practical knowledge of railway system and job peculiarities in railway sector in UK and Spain. According to the fact, that VGTVPM is the only school in Lithuania that prepares railway transport specialists, for the students and teachers from VGTVPM it is necessary to find colleagues and to get experience abroad. This will help to the students to have lighter integration to Lithuanian and European labour market. They will be more self-confident, more independent, they will improve their English as well. What is more, teachers after the participation in the project will renew teaching programmes of railway transport sector and will start to apply new and innovative teaching methods. These methods will help to the students to get bigger motivation to study and vocational training will become more poplar too. 4 vocational training teachers and 20 students from railway transport sector will take part in the project. Hosting partners are from UK and Spain. 2 Vocational training teachers will go to UK for 1 week, 2 vocational training teachers will go to Spain for 1 week. 10 students together with leading person will go to UK for 2 weeks, 10 students together with leading person will go to Spain for 2 weeks. This project is the first possibility to the students from railway transport sector to gain experience abroad, because up to now ir was very difficult to find hosting partners from railway transport sector who would agree to host students for the practice. The main aim of the project - to gain theoretical and practical knowledge about railway system and special tasks of work in railway sectori in UK and Spain.

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