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Geleceğin Okullarını İnşa Ediyoruz
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In METU Development Foundation Schools, students’ individual differences are usually taken into consideration and they are always provided with the opportunity to actualize themselves here. Students have almost the skills, world knowledge and morals as they are raised as creative and critical thinker individuals. The vision of METU Development Foundation Schools is to represent itself along with Turkey in the international platforms among the leading schools. These schools give importance to teacher development in the light of their vision and mission. ‘Building New Schools’ project has been developed by taking into consideration of mission, vision and the principles of our school. Moreover with the help of the Swat analysis of our institute’s Strategic Planning Team, the weak aspects of METU teachers have been identified as the application of applying modern technology in the lessons, development of international projects and creating international collaborations in our school. It has been revealed that the school administration has remained incapable in terms of satisfying the needs of teachers’ in service trainings at an international level. Among the aims of our schools in our 2015-2019 strategic plan of the institute, the following aims are also included; accommodation of ourselves according to the changing and developing world conditions, giving the teachers world-wide point of view, developing learning environment which support student-centered, creative techniques and methods, creating a difference in the educational area and to contribution of teaching area as the leading school among the other schools and most importantly the sustainment of voluntarily educational activities. As it is seen, the aims of our institue in its strategic plan and its current position coincide with each other. The weak aspects of our institute should be developed. Furthermore, in the PISA exam, which has been developed to evaluate countries’ educational systems, Turkey has been placed near the last rows. We would like to learn about Finland’s educational system of which students have been placed near top in this exam. The aim of our school is to be able to raise students who will be successful in such international exams. ‘Building New Schools’ project includes the aims as the following ; completing institute’s European identity, being able to foster the communication between European culture and Turkish culture , provide teachers with the opportunities of language and occupational development, have Europass certification, learn new techniques and methods which will help our students to actualize themselves and identify the needs of future schools and provide them with the proper modern and technologically developed techniques. In terms of these aims, ten teachers who are experienced, innovative and young have been chosen from different areas to join” New Learning Environments– What kind of schools we should build in a future?” in Finland ,Joensuu. After the completion of the course activities, primarily the knowledge and information that has been gained will be shared with the METU teachers and parents and the sustainability stage of this project will be implemented via being a partner with Denizli Ministry of Education. Furthermore, it is intended to share the knowledge and information that has been gained through the course in the national platforms (such as conferences or workshops) through notifications, booklets etc. In the future, we will be in touch with the course suppliers and the teachers and the administrators in Schools which have been visited in Finland.
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