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Gaining Added-value from Timber in Europe (GATE)
Start date: Sep 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GATE is raising awareness of the link between timber, sustainable construction and sustainable regional development. It is also looking at ways of increasing the use of timber for construction, building new markets and adding value. Its overall aim is to challenge the view that timber is a traditional, old fashioned and beautiful but expensive material by showing that it can cut construction times, increase design flexibility and provide major energy conservation and sustainability benefits. Achievements: Achievements so far The GATE project is now complete and ran for 39 months, with project closure taking place on 31st December 2007. Project activities have achieved the objective of raising awareness of the link between timber, sustainable construction and sustainable regional development. The perception, economic, technical and policy barriers which limit the use of timber in construction were identified and prioritised by the regions. The partners have established sustainable networks of stakeholders linking counterparts in the different regions. The opening international conference was held in Wales in April 2005. Inter-regional seminars have taken place in all partner regions. In September 2005 'European Timber Days' in Thuringia was about perception. In May 2006 'Time for Timber in Europe' in Poland was about economic issues. In September 2006 'Building a New Europe–with Timber' in Slovenia was about technical solutions. In June 2007 'Timber–a New Policy for Europe' in Estonia was about policy. The closing conference 'Timber for Tomorrow’s Europe' was held in Wales in October 2007. Five Focus Group meetings have been held in Poland, Slovenia, Berlin and two in Estonia where issues were discussed prior to the seminars. A fire safety seminar was also held in Estonia in September 2005. Objectives have been disseminated through many GATE and external events in each region. In Wales, two buildings shows, presentations to Assembly Members at the Welsh Assembly Government and the annual Royal Welsh Shows, meetings with stakeholders and a handover workshop. In Thuringia a seminar on multi-storey timber construction was held and they have participated in several prestigious fairs using their own travelling exhibit. They have also met with experts to discuss ‘New Regulations for Joiners’ and working with new proposals for the Thuringia Government. In Slovenia a conference on the wider use of glued timber in construction was held and a public opinion survey on timber was carried out. In Estonia, the partners were involved in the annual Best Wooden Building competition and the Estonia Wood Day. They also participated in a ‘Seminar for Builders’ and an international seminar ‘New Trends in Northern Wood Construction’. In Poland the partners and stakeholders met with the local government council to discuss ‘Mass Timber Construction’. Student Competitions were held in Thuringia, Wales, Estonia and Slovenia. The publicity strategy was implemented by a PR consultant in the lead region and by project partners in the other regions. The website can be found at and is fully up to date with reports, libraries, case studies and photographs from all project events. A number of brochures, newsletters, posters and panels have been produced. Numerous media articles have been published in newspapers and magazines plus several radio and TV interviews. The project steering committee met seven times during the project to discuss progress and administration.
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  • 70%   586 576,56
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform

4 Partners Participants