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G.A.L.I.L.E.O.: Getting Ahead in Language,ITC,Learning and European Opportunities - The Key to Europe
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project G.A.L.I.L.E.O is the outcome of careful examination of student results in the year 2012/13, from which emerges the need to develop new teaching methods to counteract demotivation, failure and early school leaving. Through international mobility our school plans to share innovative teaching methods with other European schools and to implement existing practices. The aim is to develop and improve the professional and personal skills of our teachers, in particular by consolidating their linguistic proficiency in EU languages, by promoting an inclusion-oriented attitude, by enhancing the use of ICT in teaching and in transferring the knowledge, strategies and techniques acquired. Thanks to the exchange of best practices and innovative teaching methods, as well as a better knowledge of European systems of work-related learning, the Vasari school plans to train a teaching staff who will disseminate the outcomes of the project activities across the school, locally and nation-wide. The participants will study school systems in which experiences regarding work and education are in perfect synergy in order to reproduce methods and benefits in our own school. For this reason it is necessary to improve the ability to relate to pupils and to help them develop their problem-solving skills, also through laboratory activities. The 8 European key skills will be implemented as well as ICT knowledge. By improving their proficiency in foreign languages, participants will be able to teach non-linguistic subjects in a foreign language, thereby enhancing CLIL teaching. There will be a public notice of competition and a special Selection Committee, with representatives of the school,of the world of work and of the local institutions, will be set up. Eighteen teachers will be selected from various subject areas among those with experience in team work and in counteracting early school leaving. Priority will be given to permanent teachers who guarantee their presence for at least 3 years, in order to create a permanent project team. Each participant will study the Education System and the territory in which the partner school is located. Once abroad, the teacher will observe the best practices adopted to contrast failure and early school leaving to assess the results. According to the mobility agreement, a network among schools will be established, in which a permanent team will plan, learn and disseminate the new practices, using various tools of communication, both direct and online. The impact expected on pupils is to improve learning, to reduce by 10% the number of failures (in 3 years), to put our students' competences and skills on level with those of Europe and those requested by employers. The best practices will be discussed and elaborated by all the teachers in the various workgroups of our school. There will also be meetings with the families of pupils, press conferences, workshops, and web-seminars with other schools in the area. All the mobility activities will be uploaded on the school website, on the Moodle Platform and on the E-Twinning portal. Questionnaires will be prepared by the school Self-Evaluation Committee for teachers to assess the results of the mobility project on teaching and learning. Questionnaires will also be completed by pupils and their families and, as all activities concerning young apprenticeship programmes are monitored, there will also be feedback on the pupils' work-related skills. The school reports and INVALSI tests (national standard tests on competences in Maths and Italian literacy) will provide further assessment. The administrative staff will manage all the practical matters concerning bureaucracy. Travel, accommodation and hospitality will be organized and managed by the Hotel & Catering Department of our school.

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