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FuturEuropa - the Future is in our hands!
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The theme of the International Youth Camp 2015 in Laatzen is "FuturEuropa - the future is in our hands" and implements the main topic of the Agenda of the "Dialogue between young people and policy makers" which is "Empowerment of young people to political participation". The main objective of the project is to bring young people closer to politic processes and the development of a self-motivation to engage themselves in the field of politics. There will be 8 young people (15 to 17 years old) and 2 persons in charge from the following cities: Laatzen (Germany), Guben (Germany), Gubin (Poland), Grand-Quevilly (France) und Ness Ziona (Israel). The groups are planned to consist of an equal number of boys and girls and include at least two young people with economical obstacles and/or educational difficulties. The participants will simulate the European Parliament during the camp and focus on the topics "Apprenticeship and job market" and "social and gender equality and participation in europe". The purpose is to create awareness of european policy and show potentials of participation in the field of (youth-)policy. The results will be discussed and evaluated with local politicians and employees of the youth welfare office. Personal experiences during the access to the field of politics will be discussed in this process as well. Young people will be engaged to take part in politic processes. The framework program will consist of trips to Berlin and Hannover as well as varied leisure activities. The delagations are called to present the results of the camp in their local settings. This includes not only the results of the simulation, but the personal experiences and personal developments as well. On long terms it is expected that young people will find their own way to participate in political processes.
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