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Future career? Touch IT!
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Future Career? Touch IT! " is a project that aims to facilitate the transition from school to work of young graduates specialising in mathematics-informatics with intensive English study from "Dimitrie Cantemir" National College Onesti, making their insertion into the labour market, whether national or international, easier.The target group is represented by 20 students rigorously selected from 11th grade students of mathematics -informatics with intensive English classes . Divided into two flows of 10 students each, they will participate in 3-week traineeships organized in July 2017 and July 2018, respectively, in Portsmouth, UK . Since the majority of students will be travelling abroad for the first time, they will be accompanied by a specialized teacher who, besides being in charge with the coordination of the group, will be their element of stability in an environment completely new to them.By attending the traineeship, participants will not only improve their abilities, skills and practical knowledge in the field of their professional qualification (IT), but they will also acquire new skills in Android, an operating system which is not taught in Romanian schools . They will also practice and enrich language, cultural and social skills, becoming well-trained young people able to perform in the field, representing the future human resource in IT companies or even willing to become future entrepreneurs in the field. Their digital competence will improve since the traineeship will offer access to new and updated knowledge in a market rapidly and continously changing. In addition, trainees will adapt more easily to the current requirements of the economy and they will find it easier to integrate into the national and international labour market.Given that approximately 40% of our pupils come from rural areas and for most of the selected pupils this mobility will be the first direct contact with the Western world, their involvement in project activities will provide them not only the opportunity to work within companies, but also to live for 3 weeks in a multicultural environment, developing the capacity to adapt to new environments. When returning home after the traineeship they will feel enriched not only professionally but also personally, they will feel more confident, proud to have represented our country in a multicultural environment. The rigour of all the actions provided within the framework of a European project, pupils' active participation, the sense of discipline, teamwork, organizational skills and completed activities, self-confidence, confidence in others, growing interest in human relationships are just a few examples of best practices acquired by the future employees in the labour market thanks to this traineeship in Europe.

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