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Fullføre og bestå, kompetanseheving av pedagogisk personale
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As an institution, we wish to apply for grants in order to develop a mobility project for our employees. We want to do the groundwork for a larger project where we seek partnerships with other institutions. We seek institutions where we can send a maximum of ten of our employees on visits to observe and learn. The focus of the project is for us to improve by cooperating with several similar institutions all around Europe. We acknowledge that we have room for improvement in terms of new ways of teaching, and we wish to improve our teachers’ competence and organisational skills in teaching and learning. Our school has strategic goals to improve the percentage of students fulfilling the requirements for a diploma of upper secondary education. One of the main goals of our mobility project will be to improve our understanding of how others work to achieve this. As a part of this, we wish to strengthen and develop our competence, and furthermore to develop new competence in the usage of new teaching methods and the use of computer technology in the classroom. We wish develop in the use of flipped classrooms, methodology, assessment for learning, and last but not least, future didactic challenges. Nydalen Upper Secondary School is a large organisation with good competence in the field of entrepreneurship and the use of practical teaching. We have experiences in using Youth Companies locally, nationally and internationally. Parts of the school’s personnel also take part in Nordic cooperatives. Today, we have partnerships with other institutions as diverse as The Norwegian Business School BI, Hyundai Motors and the theatre ensemble Riksteateret. Recently we also signed a special cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Oslo. Erasmus+ is an exciting project Nydalen Upper Secondary School wish to use in order to reach our goal of «looking outwards». Both at the Department for the Hard of Hearing, the Department of Service and Transport, the Department of Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development, the Department of Especially Adjusted Teaching, and at the Department of Academically Oriented Studies, the school has ambitions to introduce teacher mobility, for later to join in cooperative partnerships so that the pupils may also experience internationalisation and mobility of pupils. Our goal with all of this is that our teaching will become better adjusted to future generations of pupils and that we through a common effort may learn from each other and collectively develop learning arenas adjusted to the needs of the future. We wish to raise the competence of our employees systematically. After having identified potential partners, we wish a bilateral cooperation with these. We plan that two teachers from each department may observe abroad for up to two weeks and we wish to receive the same number of observers at our school. The project is made in connection with the school’s strategic plan. The participants in the project will be resources for our organisation and responsible for introducing new methods and stimulating further growth for us, but also to contribute with our external partners. We wish to increase the number of pupils fulfilling their schooling. We wish for pupils to receive better and more varied teaching, and for their motivation for learning to increase. We wish for our teacher to master more methods for teaching and assessing. We wish for our teaching is to become part of an international culture of knowledge. We wish to share our competence through eTwinning. We want to share our experiences with other schools both in Oslo and nationally. If required, we are willing to become a resource school. We wish to contribute in international forums if this is wanted. We have already defined the need and must actively seek relevant places where these groups may observe. We must then plan and make contact with these and sign agreements with the institutions in question. The identification of partners and agreements for observations are to be done by autumn 2015. The observations will be held in January and February 2016. The return of knowledge to our organisation is intended to be done in the period from March to May 2016. The project manager at Nydalen Upper Secondary School will bear the responsibility to plan and see through the work. When the participants are chosen, these will become part of the project’s team with individual responsibilities for conduction and sharing of knowledge. We therefore apply for the grants so that we can be part of the common European promise to increase the number of pupils finishing and fulfilling the requirements for secondary education; a goal shared by our school, the Oslo Educational
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