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"From Blackboard to Whiteboard"
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a Primary school project for children aged 6 - 11 that aims at the production of digital learning materials. Our title "From Blackboard to Whiteboard" includes selected ICT applications for the computer, tablet, interactive Whiteboard and in special cases for the mobile phone. The utilisation of ICT plays still a stepmotherly role on the level of Primary schools and there is a lack of suitable materials. In many cases schools are technically equipped but teachers shrinkingly restrain from using them. Our starting point are the ICT skills of our selected partners and we want to enlarge our range of applications. The main subjects are digital working papers and educational computer games, e-books and podcasts, our own online wikies and a protected social network for our pupils. In all our products we are not only concerned about the technical features of our products but also about a suitable didactical concept that proves to be best practice to be made accessilbe for others after having been tested by our own classes. Children with special needs are a specific target group. For them, too, digitale materials are more colourful and demonstrative and they love most educational computer games. We also teach them adequate theoretical knowledge about computers, tablets and mobile phones and warn them of the dangers public of social networks. To make our project attractive for primary school children we present it in the learning surrounding of an exciting sub-title: "Europe is a Treasure Chest". Our digital learning materials roughly follow this theme and includes some adventurous activities like a digitally supported treasure hunt. Europe's jewels and works of arts as well as an album of historical and modern coins will find much interest that pupils will associate with the project.
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8 Partners Participants