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Fréquences Libres-Herri Hotsak
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The young EVS will take part in the " Fréquences Libres- Herri Hotsak" project. It's the time slice of our programation from 20:00 to 22:00, which is open to associations working in different fields, specialy focused to the problematics that concern young people. To carry out this work, the radio takes advantage of the implication of many associations that work regarding different topics, as gender, inmigration, human rights, insertion of youngsters in difficulties, young women, sexuality, international cooperation, equality of gay and lesbians, trade unions, envinonment, etc In total there are 20 associations conected in front of the microphones during 30 days, each with a different frequency: every two weeks, once in a month... With a total of 70 volunteers. The radio organises two internships per year, reserved to volunteers who want to take part in projects of the radio and want to use the radio tool to communicate their thoughts, reflections and concerns... The role of the coordinator of this project will be to help stimulate this network, organise correctly this anual internships and the right functioning of the time slice. He will manage the website dedicated to this project too, and the social networks too. This work will be followed-up by the coordinator of the radio (salaried), tutor of the young.
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