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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the European conference on Εducation and Τraining in correctional institutions (European Union, 2010), was presented the incorporation of best practices between the partner countries and their implementation in the coming years. Nevertheless, was presented a series of obstacles and challenges such as overcrowding, multiculturalism, financial constraints and the increasing competition in the labor market. Additionally, there are great differences in culture and educational systems between countries in Europe. The penitentiary systems also vary greatly, as does the definition of what constitutes education in prisons, however, despite the large and chaotic differences, there could be a series of generalizations. The prison is the most representative example of a totalitarian institution. Nevertheless, the role of education and training mitigates any differences. For better adaptation and evolution in the general framework for Education in Prisons, according to the Recommendations of the Council of Europe No. R (89) 12, is required the training of educational institutions housed in detention facilities. Within this framework , consortium's plan provides the following main and sub-objectives:• the use of ICT in shaping a modern, 'open' adult detention facilities.• encouragement for integration of best practices by making them known to educators and policymakers of prisons.• networking and exchange of experiences between organizations and the right people working in this field.• identify future needs for European cooperation in this field, taking into account the general political trends In the proposed project are involved two organizations. The SDE (schools of second chance) of Larissa as applicant and sending organization and the Vocvo (belgian European Prison Education Association) as a host organization. The participants will be 8 adult educators of SDE of Larissa. The participant-trainers are a key pillar of our organization as they occupy permanent staffing needs. However, if the plan is approved we will make sure to integrate a small quota of associate professors to all beneficiaries in order to disseminate the results to other institutions in the coming school years. Staff mobility will be designed and implemented at two levels, the preparation and the main action. At preparatory level, will be held a meeting with participants before making the mobility. During the meeting will be given basic advice and guidance to the participants from the project team so that there is no barrier during Implementation. In the main action will be provided a structured seminar and training visits to correctional institutions and organizations of interest in the visiting area. The purpose of the seminar is to bring practices of developed countries and multiculturalism at the same meeting. Trainees -adult educators will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge obtained during the theory with the help of ICT. The project's implementation "FREE THe -school FROM BARRIERS" will give all stakeholders:• skills and ideas that will make through experiential situations, contact with students-prisoners substantial, cultivating a relationship of trust and respect of the inmates towards them.• the ability to activate teachers and school managers, to be helpers in creation of the appropriate conditions and remodeling existing situation to the modulation direction and implementation of an innovative second chance school.• technological skills, thus contributing to the smooth and complete integration of advanced technology applications in teaching and the process of education in general.• the cooperation framework for the exchange of good practices and teaching methods, improving obsolete situations and methods, ensuring added value through mobility experiences• methodologies and particularly that of project management, for efficient management of European and national programs by the teachers of the school. The tendency is to build prisons horizontal, anthropocentric, for the offenders to engage in social work, to decongest the prison, launch educational programs, because those that receive education, are not coming back to prison.
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