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Fraternité, la clé de la paix
Start date: Jul 18, 2016, End date: Feb 17, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of Art and light that was realized during the summer of 2015, had as a following result that the young people and partners are still in touch and are still working together.During the summer of 2016, the French organization will host 50 young participants coming from 4 countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Belgium and France ages frpm 14-18 years to reflect on a subject that has touched us all: The attacks and migration.As the motto and slogan of this youth exchange project the young participants have chosen a sentence from Martin Luther Kings’ speech " We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools " following this idea we have found the title of the project : Brotherhood, the key to peace. To illustrate their idea to the public, the young participants will create a collective artistic work around the theater, video, photo, circus and graphiti artwork. They will also participate in a conference and meet with Syrian families to hear their course. Following this, they will establish a forum theater that will be offered to local people. This project is opening one heavy and important topic for our society. During this project the Young people will be challenged, but at the same time supported by the youth animators to create a collective piece of art as a result of their reflections about this subject. The policies makers and different institutions will be invited to see the result of this reflection and to hear the message of these 50 citizens. During the project we will organize different workshops with the idea to develop the capacity of cooperation, listening and certainly the capacities for taking the initiative and take the active role in society. This project of youth exchange in France is only a part of one bigger idea to continue with exchanging ideas and meeting different societies. In the future we plan to organize one project in Macedonia in 2017 and at the end in Belgium in 2018. But it is not the only idea to create the exchange projects it is also to involve the young people to be active in their local societies as a member of youth cancels, as a active member of their associations, as a active volunteers….

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