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Framtidens skola - för inkludering och utveckling på individnivå
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sanda educational centre is a school specialized in sports with about 1300 pupils and 135 members of staff. We stand before a huge challenge, as do many schools in Sweden and Europe, with an increasing number of newly arrived pupils within a context of finite resouces. We also face diminishing results in international tests, and increasing numbers of teachers abandoning the profession. The school of the future needs to work with inclusion and development and in response, our project seeks to address the development of enhanced skills in core subjects and sports specialization to meet the increased need for teachers to interact with pupils of different abilities with a specific focus upon literacy and language development, cooperation and inclusion. In addition, there is a further need to develop improved competence in general within several subjects and a need to up-skill staff so they improve their knowledge of teaching and learning methodologies and strategies. All teaching can be improved to give better support to all pupils regardless of which difficulties they struggle with within a conventional classroom environment or on the sports arena. We want to implement new ways of working to meet the needs of all pupils and to keep a high standard on education and thereby make teachers and coaches more satisfied in their profession.Our project aims to develop skills in the individual subjects, methodology, learning strategies, more efficient use of ICT but also so develop a school where we guard the comprehensive view of each individual pupil to have a successful schooling regardless of prerequisites or ambitions in school and sports specialization. This project is deliberately focused on key subjects which reflects the professional development needs of teaching staff and where pupil attainment could be further improved. Thus of the 135 employed at Sanda, 80 will be directly involved in the further education and international dissemination. Further, all teachers/coaches will be engaged in the active development of our collective pedagogy by team teaching/ co-coaching. Our aspiration is to value add, maximising the benefit to every student in our care through enhanced practice.A related benefit of our project is to encourage staff to share good practice, co-coaching. Newly acquired skills will thus engender a culture of mutual benefit as teachers grow both personally and professionally. The essence of this approach will create an open culture of ideas in which pupil-centered active learning will ensure that lessons are fun, informative and effective.The school of the future is something we create together. It is the assignment of the board of direction to ensure this process is comprehensive and effective. We have several groups within the school which are going to be responsible for leading different parts of the project to ensure its success. Our 16 "first teachers" (a career post within the Swedish educational system for especially skilled and qualified teachers) have been selected as pilots at our school to work with school development questions. They are tasked with leading and disseminating the pedagogy to the rest of the school community including their fellow teachers and ulitmately the students. Teachers of English, Modern languages, Social Science, Economy, Sports have been prioritized together with ICT pedagogues and specialist pedagogues involved in language developement projects. These teachers will participate in courses and training abroad and will then deploy new methodology within specific areas such as for example languages, entrepreneurship, intercultural understanding , efficient ICT usage and teamwork. An important part in this project is the co-coaching to ensure personal development and dissemination of new teaching methods to all staff. We want this project to be the foundation of a new method of working which will have ripple effects which will lead to enhanced attainment among pupils and help the recruting of new pupils and teacher to our school and a more efficient work around our pupils engaged in sports within the curriculum. The international dimension will give us increased language competence but also a wider understanding of the world. There is much to be learned from each other. This is also why we want to use local teachers' seminars, digital forums and eTwinning as platfroms to spread knowledge of the courses we take part in. Additionally we aim to participate in learning events on eTwinning, thereby enhance staff mobility through linked eTwinning activities to strenghten our proficiency.Through this project we aim to situate our school as one in the forefront of both individual and professional development. We aim to be well equipped to face the future need of linguistic and academic competences within school. We want to be in the vanguard of education with an international and athletic focus for inclusion and development of individuals.
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