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Framework for Continuing Educational Development of Trainers in General Practice in Europe

The aim of the project is to develop, implement and sustain in a long-term perspective Framework for Continuing Educational Development of Trainers in General Practice in Europe. The framework provides the basis for the development of educational courses for GP/FM teachers on 3 levels: - level1 course (competent educator) - level2 course (proficient educator) - level3 course (educational expert) Each level defines the different scope of competence of educational expertise, and the project will provide a range of the courses necessary for GP trainers to achieve these. The idea of the project is a result of the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice and Family Medicine (EURACT) observation (through many years of its functioning) of urgent needs related to development of common European framework of educational expertise in family medicine. Although educators in different medical schools in Europe are considered experts in GP training, there is neither an actual framework that would support the understanding of the need for educational experts in the field of family medicine, nor the levels of competence or specific skills needed for that. Thus, the consortium of 8 institutions from 6 countries was established. The Promotor of the proposal is the College of Family Physicians in Poland, which has great experience in realization of the LdV projects. Four other European Colleges of Family Physicians take part in the project: Danish, Greek, Portuguese and Turkish. Two research and consulting institutions: Slovenian Institute for Development of Family Medicine and Polish Health&Management - coordinator of the project. The last partner is EURACT, which through its rich capacities (Council representatives in 41 European countries, and close links to other GP/FM international associations) will play pivotal role in dissemination and exploitation of the project results. The tangible outcomes of the project are: - The Framework for Continuing Educational Development of Trainers in General Practice in Europe - Educational course for competent educators in GP/FM (level1 course) - Educational course for proficient educators in GP/FM (level2 course) - Educational course for educational experts in GP/FM (level3 course) - Internet based network linked with the EURACT website ( serving as a discussion and consultation forum The educational expertise framework have a continuous and multilateral character, leading to setting basis standards and harmonization of the European vocational training of GPs. The realization of the project leads to the construction of a European Network of GP/FM teachers actively involved in improvement of GP educational process and supported by an innovative Internet based educational platform.
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6 Partners Participants