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Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Frailty Operative Definition-Consensus Conference (FOD-CC) aims at celebrating a conference focused on those topics, be inclusive in its participants and reach firm conclusions.The design of the workshop must take into account 1) The need for selecting the potential variables to be included in the final definition, 2) The need to get these variables from every field of interest in regard with frailty, 3) The need to select by experts in every field, the main variables among the pre-selected variables, 4) The need of making a second selection process where the expert from the different fields of interest may argue the importance of all the selected variables in a general definition of frailty. FOD-CC will consist in two preliminary meetings, where five discussion groups (geriatricians, non-geriatricians clinicians, non-medical health workers, basic scientists and social and NGOs), composed by six participants each, will work in a separate way to extract the potentially main variables in their fields related to frailty (preliminary meeting 1) and to finally select a few of them and proposed a definition of frailty (preliminary meeting two). Afterwards, a final meeting (Consensus Meeting) will be held to reach a final proposed definition of frailty. This meeting will be attended by some of the experts, and an Advisory Committee composed by representatives (technical experts) of sound Organizations.After finishing the project, the proposed definition and biological markers will be tested (out of the project) in existing longitudinal cohorts as the Three City Study (3C Study) and Toledo Study of Healthy Ageing (ETES), conducted by two of the groups proposing this initiative. Other two cohorts would be probably added to guarantee the trans-cultural profile of the definition and its validation, out of the project as well."
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