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Fostering New Skills and Teaching Methods to favor the Development of the DUAL TRAINING SYSTEM in the Vocational Training Centers

In scenario of unemployment crisis, VET systems must be a key actor to improve the employment rates of youngsters. But the reality is very different in most of the Southern Europe. The young unemployment rates is raising more than the 50% while, this rate is not bigger than the 8% in the North. A part of some structural differences between the North & South, we must accept that one of the key factors that can justify this difference, is the close collaboration between the VET Systems & the COMPANIES, through the implementation of DUAL TRAINING SYSTEM.“DUAL SYSTEM” in Southern countries would help to improve the employment rates & the implication of the Companies in the young employment. But the implementation of DUAL SYSTEM needs to promote some cultural & structural change in all the actors that are involved in the VET Systems:• companies need to assume their important role as employer & they need to be opener to a new collaboration pathways with VET systems• …but also TEACHERS must change the way they teach & develop some “new” INFORMAL key pedagogical Skills.This last point is very important as TEACHERS must teach the same contents but with less teaching hours (1/3 in school – 2/3 in company, following the German Dual Training System). This fact implies that the TEACHERS must:• Teaching in a different pedagogical way.• Dominate some specific & adapted teaching methodologies.• Know the reality context in which the Companies develop their activities.• Develop the Key Pedagogical Competences needed to apply the DUAL TRAINING SYSTEM.The ROLE of VET teachers should play has changed; they are not as much knowledge transmitters as a mediators of knowledge between schools & Companies. Teachers must develop some new Key Competences to adapt the way of teaching to be able to train in Dual System.We have developed a high added value training materials for VET teachers to help them to teach following the criteria fixed by the DUAL TRAINING SYSTEM. We identified, analyze and develop the Key Skills and Innovative teaching methods that allowed to the teachers to teach in the DUAL TRAINING SYSTEM… we have followed the new pedagogical techniques that allowed the learners “to train less but learn more" giving them a high added value to the training process.Our objectives were:• To favour a closer contact between the Companies and the VET system.• To create new teaching and learning scenarios and methodologies allowing the VET teachers to develop the necessary KEY PEDAGOGICAL Skills & TEACHING methods adapted to the DUAL TRAINING SYSTEM.• To ensure learning mechanisms improving the rates of transference of what has been learnt in the classroom to the working post; improving the way from CAPACITY (what has been learnt) to COMPETENCE (what is used).Partnership was created to give high added value to the needs of the teachers; VET centers from north & south Europe will join the proposal, beside organizations with wide experience in EU projects.

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6 Partners Participants