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Forwarding and Recognizing Student's Skills Through ECVET
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The current project, FRESH (Forwarding and Recognizing Students’ Skills Through ECVET) is initialized by The HyvaOLo network which comprises seven education organizers: Lapland Vocational College (LAO, Rovaniemi), Omnia (Espoo), Vocational Education Centre Sedu (Seinäjoki), Ylivieska Vocational College, Saimaa Vocational College (Sampo, Lappeenranta), Vaasa Vocational College (VAO) and the Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia (Welfare Campus, Kokkola). The network has carried out several LDV and LDV-Vetpro projects since 2002. The present project is coordinated by the Vocational Education Centre Sedu. The goal of the FRESH project is the deployment of ECVET documents (Learning Agreement, description of skills and know-how) in connection with student exchange periods abroad, as well as ensuring the conformity and development of shared practices of the network colleges, as far as student exchanges are concerned. ECVET is used as the common framework here. An additional goal of the project is to make use of e-Taitava, a guidance and self-evaluation tool for students, and acquaint the network colleges with it. In this project both students and staff from all the participating colleges will be participating in the exchange periods. The participating students are students of practical nursing, hairdressing, beauty care, and youth work. The partner countries are Estonia, Italy, Spain, Malta, Greece, Slovenia, Ireland, the UK and Sweden. The exchange periods abroad have been agreed on with the partner colleges abroad using Memorandums of Understanding, and with other types of partners using Letters of Intent. The mobility periods will commence in the autumn of 2015 through staff mobilities. The purpose is to carry out all staff mobility periods before the student mobility periods take place. The staff will travel as teams of 2-4 people, with members of the various network colleges comprising each team. The goal of the staff mobility periods is to find out about the possibilities and work practices offered by each on-the-job training place. Based on this, work place analyses will be carried out, and these analyses will be utilized in preparing the students’ Learning Agreements. In addition, the staff will acquire new perspectives to their own work. The student mobility periods will be carried out after the staff mobility periods. In the student mobility periods, individuality and flexibility are emphasized in all stages, starting with the learning agreements. As the project outcome, the practices used by the network colleges in conjuring competence-based learning agreements will be conformed with each other. In the Learning Agreements we aim to create models for the common vocational modules that we know that will be carried out during the mobility periods. These models can be distributed to be used commonly in the participating colleges, and this way we can develop competence-based degrees on the national and on the international levels. In addition, we educate achievers around Finland who can meet the demands of the labour market better and better. During the project, also the skills of the participating staff in all participating network colleges and partner colleges are developed. The staff that has been participating in the mobility periods understands the significance of the international mobility periods as a part of the degree, and they can identify and give credit for the competence acquired by the students during their exchange periods abroad. During the project we make use of the e-Taitava tool in student guidance during the mobility periods. The students will be also be able to do self-evaluation during the exchange periods. With the help of e-Taitava we also acquire data about the skills and the needs of the students on an individual level, and we can utilize this data in the future in developing the students’ international exchange periods.
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