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Start date: Jul 26, 2014, End date: Jul 25, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 3rd "Istituto Comprensivo" of Carmagnola includes 5 pre-primary schools which have 30 teachers and 333 pupils, 3 primary schools which have 64 teachers and 656 pupils and 2 lower secondary schools which have 35 teachers and 363 pupils. The total number of pupils with special needs is 23.The total number of teachers is 129 and there are a total of 1352 pupils. There are also 31 non-teaching staff (secretaries, caretakers). Pupils come from a mixed social and cultural background; there was and still is a large number of pupils who come from eastern Europe and north Africa. Our school has been organizing several projects at a European level for many years; at the moment we are part of the Comenius partnership for the fourth time, as well as the assistantship for the first time (our school has had an English-speaking assistant for the current school year) Furthermore our teachers have joined the programmes for the individual mobility within the “service training Comenius” Our Institute is determined in strengthening all the available strategies in order to become more open and more connected at a European level in the next years. The headmaster, together with the appointed teacher for the European projects, have created a committee which includes some representatives from the different school levels, and it has been working to apply for the project Erasmus+KA1, following various steps of both analysis and planning activities. Our transversal objectives are thus the following: - to strengthen the students' basic and transversal competences in order to raise the level of literacy and reduce the number of pupils leaving school at an early age with no qualifications - select and spread teaching techniques and suitable instruments in order to achieve an affective planning at a vertical level, from pre-primary to lower secondary school, with particular care of foreign language learning - to become more open-minded at a European level and be able to realize efficiently the activities required in the Comenius partnership -to promote the need for teachers to attend refresher courses and to improve their methodological and linguistic competences -to enhance international partnerships. The committee has thus conveyed the individual needs for training into a balanced plan of refreshing courses for the staff. It has then looked for suitable institutes, able to offer the required courses, in order to achieve the needs of both individuals and our comprehensive school. The people involved in this training programme of mobility have analysed and searched the most effective courses for the required needs, together with the committee and under the supervision of the headmaster. There are 25 applicants, divided as follows: 6 pre-primary school teachers 9 primary school teachers 8 lower secondary school teachers 1 headmaster 1 non-teaching staff The required refreshing courses could be: 9 for teaching techniques and methodology 2 for further development in foreign language teaching competences and fluency 14 language courses at a various levels The school's internal Erasmus+ Committee is responsible for the project organization, implementation, evaluation and dissemination, together with the participants The participants who will attend the training courses will not only have the opportunity to improve their foreign language competence and methodology but will also be able to collect material for their teaching. They will be able to share it with their colleagues and to create a school database. The candidates who will attend an ICT training course will have the opportunity to share their competences in ICT with their colleagues. These competences are more and more necessary nowadays in Comenius projects. The headmaster and the non-teaching staff ATA will have the possibility to carry out the bureaucratic aspect of their work with a more efficient linguistic competence, which is increasingly necessary since the school is increasingly involved in European projects. Thanks to the high number of teachers and staff applying, our school intends to achieve the following goals: - language and methodology improvement - increasing of motivation and interest in experimenting innovative foreign language teaching - comparison to foreign teachers and to different methodologies - new contacts with European schools to exchange material and knowledge - use of structured material published by the Institutions of training - encouragement to start e-twinning projects and to continue other Comenius projects, hence developing a European dimension -increasing the use of ICT - increase teaching through CLIL activities in several subject areas To conclude, the headmaster and the committee hope that this training project will give us the opportunity to carry out our goals in the next future, and to reinforce the advantages in our teaching in the long term practice.

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