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Formazione docenti verso il 2020
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's has been aimed to develop or strenghten among teachers working at IIS “E. Bona” the key competences to reach the goals fixed into EU2020 programme for education. Since our school has first developed in Italy some innovative teaching approaches ICT-based, the red line for all the training actions has been strenghtening the teaching skills by using ICT-based teaching models, on every field of action addressed by EU2020 document that are important for our project: 1) linguistic skills: training for non-linguistic teachers on CLIL methodology and empowerment of teaching methods and practices for linguistic teachers; 2) Early-leaving fight by using innovative teaching methods studied to enforce the motivation among weak scholars and pupils with special educational needs; 3) Innovative teaching methods by implementing ICT in the process of learning/teaching and by re-organizing space and time at school; 4) Scientific and mathematical skills: new approaches for teaching scientific subjects and maths. Differently from the scheduled, we got to involve a number of 30 over 122 teachers (average 23% of the personnel actually working in our school), +1 confronting with the project proposal, This has been possible through a careful management of the budget. We activated a job-shadowing at Oerestad Gymnasium, Copenhagen: it's a well-known european wide institute for its teaching quality and high level of innovation in methods and pedagogical approaches to the process of learning and teaching; the structured training courses have been realized with slight differences from what was programmed: the reasons will be listed further. The short term achievements, listed in our EDP, have been reached to a 90% extent, according to the surveys. Since the end of the impact measurement period is next 01/09/2016, we can foresee a slight adjustment in this rate. Through a peer-to-peer multiplier system we've been able to extend the knowledge and the skills developed by the teachers involved to a number of teachers 4 times bigger than the involved ones, reaching almost all the teachers actually working in our school. Along with this, teachers involved in training and shadowing have been properly committed, through a specific learning agreement, to translate their experience in concrete actions and projects. Many of their proposals have already been submitted and will be realized from beginning of the school year right after the end of the project. We want to mention just two special achievements, direct consequencies of the knowledge and skills developed through the training actions listed above: 1) English+ class: a III class where all the subjects will be taught in english (for a quota of minimun 20% of the timetable) - realized with the contribution of the teachers involved in CLIL and linguistic training; 2) L-class: an experimental digital class, where ICT-based didactic will be applied at any level and every subject. Both the innovations will be monitored through a specific partnership with scientific commitees from academic institutions (University of Turin and Milan) The mid-term target achievement will be monitored through specific follow-up, already scheduled during the covered timeline. While evaluating the project, attention shall be payed to the EU2020 goals, which have been inspiring this action since its design: the skills we aimed to achieve through this training programme are necessary to implement the european targets on education.
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