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Formazione all'estero dei futuri Tecnici e tirocinio presso realtà aziendali straniere.
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the students?training project was to place our school inside a virtuous circuit sha-ring knowledge and know-how both locally and nationally and internationally. The school, through training opportunities in the situation,is enabled to maintain a constant relationship with the world of work and scientific research. This project was an opportunity for our studentsto learn and collaborate with socio-economic situa-tions applying cutting-edge German technologies that meet the most advanced European standardson civil and industrial design. The two partners of reference were: - Institute M. Buonarroti, which has a long tradition in educa-tion of technical and scientific disciplines and owns modern laboratories for the implementation of theoretical knowledge and professional skills; - the agency "Arbeit und Leben" in Hamburg, which possesses a large experience of student in-firmstages, and collaborates with seven hundred firms on German territory. The aim was to create internships with companies in the following fields: ELECTRONICS and INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY BOTH ENVIRONMENTALLYAND MEDICALLY. Sixteen students of 4th and 5thclasses were involved. The choice of the students was made on the ground of academic achievement, language skills, previous experiences of internship visits to firms. The organization steps were as follows: - explaining the project to the classes and its publication on the school site; - defining the pre-selection activity by the class councils; - collectingstudents? applications; -- - selecting and publishing the participants in the stage; - gathering all the necessary documents; - meeting of participants and their families in order to organize the activity; - writing the students? curricula, three months before leaving; - attending a compact 15-hour German course; - preparing the agreements with the host agency of Hamburg. The agency partner?Arbeit und Leben? Hamburg prepared the ground for a four-week stage, preceded by the first week of language reinforcement. The course took place in the period between March 27 and May 2, 2015, organized as follows: - The first week in Hamburg was devoted to the language course, the adaptation to the new environment, and the students? orientation in the city and in surrounding area. - Accommodation in hostel "Hostel Fair Price". - Distribution to participants of a card to use in local public transport during their stay. - Preparation of a social program. - Preparation of a risk prevention review. - Organization of a German language course. - Planning of the training agreement with the Head of the company internship. - Introduction to the Seminars (training agreement). - Identification of suitable work placements according to the professional and language skills of the students. - Monitoring, support and assessment of stay. - Continuous monitoring and evaluation of workplacement. - Ensured co-operation at all times with the organization that sent the trainees. - Availability at every stage to ensure the implementation of procedures for enforcing what the students learnt. - Arrangement for each participant of the Euro-pass mobility certification and of a certificate of participation in the entire language and vocational training program. During the internship training,the proposed activities enabled the creation of a path balanced between theoretical knowledge and technical-practical skills. The training also allowed the con-tinuous assessment of the knowledge acquired, oriented to the development of technological and organizational areas professionallymeaningful. The project enabled the school community to face the outside, to measure and compare approaches and activities. The participating students had the opportunity, through their ownactivity diaries, to let their colleagues get to know their experience path in order to improve their organizational skill and to start apeer-to-peer training by comparing the professional experiences acquired. The experience was also documented in a participant paper presented and discussed at the maturity interview at the Institute that isnow submitting this project summary

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