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Formation en entreprises européennes des élèves d'Hôtellerie et de MVP (Maintenance des véhicules particuliers) du LPO Jean Monnet de Libourne
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This mobility project concerns students who are enrolled in the Catering European Section and car industry section of Jean Monnet Vocational High School in Libourne. Our students face social and economic difficulties, so it is essential to organize projects that will give them access to the labour market and make the pursuit of studies easier. The main goals of such a project for students include: - developing the European citizenship feeling - developing the taste for cultural and professional discovering - developing mobility and adaptability - The improvement of self-esteem - The access to a certain level of general knowledge - The strengthening and the increasing of both linguistics knowledge in Spanish and English and the professional proficiency in catering and car industry sections - The capacity to cope with IT and company softwares. - The validation of the students’ European process (ie: Europass) - Enhancing the image of French vocational school. There would be twelve participants to the mobility project. We intend to send 12 students from the catering and car industry section each year for 5 week-training-period in Irun, in the Spanish Pays-Basque (Gipuzkoa), Urdax (Navarra), Calella (Catalogna), Jaen (Andalucia), London ( UK) and Soest (Germany). The work experience would last five weeks. The quality of the students’ internship would be assessed and also taken into account for the certificate. It would be possible thanks to the school skill report filled in by the tutor in each company and thanks to the activity worksheets, related to professional situations within their training period. A teachers committee within the school monitors the project. The latter is composed of: the Headmasters of the school, the Account Manager, the DNL (Non Linguistics Discipline) teachers and the Language teachers (French, English, Spanish), the Management as well as vocational teachers. So far, we have already noticed some impacts on our participants (students) and we hope that this will continue. Among these are: - better results in catering and in Languages for the exams - a better students maturity and self-confidence and open-mindness - a taste for mobility - a good adaptabitily capacity For our school and our partners this allows us to exchange views, to understand each others’ needs in order to adapt the education system to the business world on a European level. Finally, we think that this kind of project increases the value and image of vocational teaching and it contributes to a good integration into the labour world while promoting culture.
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