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Formation en alternance et compagnonnage en menuiserie
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's main goal is to help trainees to benefit from a first working experience in a foreign country. This experience consists of specific training abroad, and discovery of the country and its culture. This experience aims the apprentices "Compagnons du Devoir" in their last year of carpentery training, according to the partnership we maintain with Les Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France. From a broader point of view, the project objectives are adaptation and cultural enrichment through contact with different way of doing things, communicating and working. This project is scheduled to last two years et will be organized this way : During two week : work placement in a local company (1/2 day) AND practical training with the belgian train on site, aiming to create synergies with the company and meet the company's needs. Evenings, week-ends : Cultural programThe course of action will be developed jointly with Europroyectos, depending on their proposals and our priorities, taking advantage of our many-years experience and more specifically during our unexpected collaboration in 2015. Besides specific knowledge which can be brought by specific training provided in Italy, we are convinced that a mobility experience abroad gives important advantage to the beneficiaries, which consists of personnal skills , personal development, social adaptation and openness to the world, which improves in fine their employability.

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