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"Formare practica in parteneriat transnational si schimb de experienta pentru performanta"
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

On a dynamic labor market, with increasing demands the need for better trained professionals to meet the challenges is raising. Eliminating the disparities in training in schools in Europe can be achieved by simultaneous mobility of students and teachers and by transferring good practices. Doing simultaneous mobilities give them added value in the respect that it finds the common denominator between the expectations of the students and the teachers; possibilities, putting an equal sign between the two. The project " Practical training in transnational partnership and exchange of good practices for performance " aims to contribute to increasing the quality of the school, developing personal and professional skills of the students and teachers, through transnational mobilities to institutions in Denmark , Turkey and Spain . The project also aimes at identifying, tranfer and valuing the good practices in VET. The project will select a number of 18 teachers from the departments of Nursing , Medicine , Pharmacy, Economics , Informatics and Services and 50 students , some of the best in the school, from General Nurse (30 ), 3rd grade, for an internship in medical emergencies , Pharmacy Assistants, 2nd grade (10 ) - for an internship in marketing and pharmacotherapy and Computer programmers , 1st grade (10 ) for an internship in multimedia design. The receiving partners are public educational institutions with recognized expertise in the field of training, with the human and material resources to support the project and experience in European activities. The project activities includes: informing and selection of target groups, language training, cultural and pedagogical preparation for mobility, the practical training for students and teachers, certification and validation of the competences, knowledge and skills acquired, by Europass Mobility certificates, dissemination and ongoing evaluation of the project and final report of the results. The project also includes socio-cultural activities that will improve the cultural and social competences of trainees. The mobilities of the project will be conducted as follows: Nursing -3 streams x10 students at IES Majada Marcial, Spain, Aarhus Social and Healthcare College, Denmark and Kocaeli Anatolian Vocational High School, practice run in application hospitals, Pharmacy Assistants -1 stream x 10 students to IES Majada Marcial, practice carried in pharmacies and Computer programmers- 1 stream x 10 students to IES El Rincon, practice carried on in school laboratories. The mobilities will improve both the professional competences of the students and the personal and social ones - communication and teamwork abilities, linguistic and multicultural competences. The project matches the needs of practical training in transnational partnership, the need to get to know other systems, to come in contact with good practices and to reflect on their own practices, something that will encourage them to act and say that " it can be done here " and that the proactive attitude from less successful aspects of the system in which they work , can produce more quality in their work. The teachers will attend a training period in organizing internships, in developing monitoring and evaluation tools of practical skills, in making online educational materials. Their internships aimed at improving teaching, organizational, and their digital skills , as well as personal skills and linguistic competences in English, and will be held as follows: flow 1-6 teachers at Aarhus Social and Healthcare College, flow 2-6 teachers in Kocaeli Anatolian Vocational HS , flow 3-6 teachers at IES Majada Marcial. The estimated impact of the project is high both at the personal level of the participants and at the institutional level, in terms of outcomes and experiences and by implementing them in school activities . Expected results of the project are : - 50 students and 18 post-secondary school teachers with improved professional, personal , linguistic and multicultural competences, revised portfolios for the internships, a pilot program for the on line monitoring and evaluation of practice, internship portfolios of the participants and one film on the internship activities; an increase in the institutional capacity of the partners in the implementation of mobility projects, the ability to identify and transfer good practices in VET and the benefits to image of the partner schools .
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4 Partners Participants