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Formare pentru viitor - formare pentru tehnologii inovative in sectorul auto
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In English The project aims to fulfill the wishes of the PAS LicTehnTC C-sebes by European programs, priority 10: - To train young people in the field of road transport very well trained - Technical teachers to continuously improve innovative methods and techniques of teaching and learning The project provides for two categories of target groups. 1) A target group (A1) consists of 74 participating students from Lic Tech TC C-sebes, 6 flows (which will be joined by eight teachers) and will conduct practical activities by Zaw Leipzig, Germany. These students preparing on these qualifications: -17 high school class X students, Transport Technician qualification (TTR), 7 / flow1 + 10 / FL3 - 7 Class X students,high school qualifications. auto teh. electrician electronics (Teea) in flux1 -15 Class X students, professional education 2 and 3 years, Qualif. Auto mechanic (ma) and tinman and auto painter (VAT), 10mA + 5tva / flow5 -20 Class XI students professional education 2 and 3 years, Qualif. Auto mechanic (ma) and tinman and auto painter (VAT), 10mA / flow2 + 5mA / fl 6 + 5tva / fl6 -10 Class XII students high school qualifications. Transport technician(TTR) in flow4 -5 Class XII students high school qualifications. auto tech. electrician electronics (Teea) in flow3 FL1: 14 high school students + 2 high school teachers , 3weeks, 21.03.-10.04.16, 7 Tt 7 Teea FL2: 10 professional education students class XI (I) one teacher, 5 weeks, 21.03.-04.24.16 FL3: 15 students + 1 tescher, 13.03.-04.02.17 3weeks -10 class X + 5 X II licTeea FL4: TTR high school 10 students XII class + 1 teacher, 4 weeks, 03/13 to 04/09/17 FL5: 15 students cl X profess + 2 teachers, 9 weeks, 08.05-09.07.17,10 ma +5 VAT Fl6 10 cl XI students profes + 1insot, 10sapt, 05/08 to 07/16/17, 5 m + 5 vat The specific objectives are: a) Acquisition of practical experience in diagnosing vehicle operation of facilities, managing to: - use modern techniques of control, inspection and measurement for diagnosis - make measurements to determine the operating parameters of the car - identify the types of defects and determinants that cause them - remedy the defects of the automobile - perform technical maintenance of the car - apply quality standards in the field b) Empowering students and their awareness for future employment Project activities for the participants students (A1) are: - will perform practical work under the guidance of tutors German internship in the workshops of highly-car study, the organization Zaw Leipzig, according to the agreement as training and curriculum. Participants of the Mechanics will perform diagnoses, measuring, checking, technical maintenance and repair installations and mechanical components of the car (BMW and Porsche vehicles) using modern equipment: electronic testers, the software performance testing stands, panels simulation car installations, devices and automotive service equipment specific units of the Electric performing Germany. The participants will perform diagnoses, measuring, checking, technical maintenance and repair installations and electrical and electronic components of the car, using modern equipment: electronic testers, with software performance testing stands, panels simulation of vehicle electrical installations, devices and equipment specific performance auto service units in Germany. 2) A target group (A2) consists of 10 teachers technical staff Lic Tech T C C-sebes.The participants (A2) are technical teachers of Technology Engineering Department, will go into a single stream, the organization Casa da Educasao, Lisbon, Portugal. - Flow1: 12 days-09.05-20.05.2016, with 10 teachers Specific objectives for participants teachers (A2) are innovative propulsion - assimilation information about the applicable vehicle to supplement curriculum CDL's; -knowledge of modern innovative methods in the learning process, automotive technical information; -aplication of the learned class; Formation of skills in diagnosing modern road transport means. Activities for participants teachers are: - will notice and will conduct the learning and skills acquisition (shadows), Casa da Educação workshops organization by carrying out activities under the guidance of tutors - will use innovative methods of teaching and learning technical skills in the automobile, motorcycles; - Will use modern teaching tools Class (computer, SFT's, teaching-learning techniques); - Automobiilele will assimilate knowledge and future vehicles (electric and hybrid cars, the power GPL, various innovative propulsion applicable in the future). Impact: It is expected to develop professional skills in school pupils and teachers in school by implementing project results.
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