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Formare initiala si continua inntr-o scoala pedagogica europeana
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Fifty students graduate annually from the National College “Constantin Cantacuzino”, pedagogical profile. 50% of them take the qualification exam, but only 4% manage to actually work in the field and sign a contract on an indefinite period of time. Since all the others work as substitute teachers and only a few years later do they manage to tenure, we believe that their theoretical and practical training before graduation is insufficient. Possible causes could be that their specialty subject is not included among the baccalaureate exam subjects, and that there is a minimal flexibility of the teachers who teach their specialty subjects. Their teaching method is predominantly lecturing. Following the questionnaire applied to our graduates in the month of May 2015 the following could be noted:- Their training through observation in the ninth and tenth grades did not offer them sufficient support for their initial formation; the specific tasks of observing model lessons were not correlated with the theoretical introductory notions of pedagogy;- Their teachers’ teaching activity during classes was based only to a small extent on the use of active and participative learning and only occasionally were collaborative learning situations created;- During their own first sample lessons, the students imitated their teachers, conceiving content-rich lessons which do not encourage critical thinking, creativity, or learning through discovery.Analysing the situation, the leadership of our institution decided that training activities for the methodologists should be organized in September 2015. Workshops were held in groups and in pairs, but the general learning atmosphere that followed remained unchanged, teachers still focusing on getting good academic results in exams. Our college is indeed the first in the county as regards the graduation percentage.We believe that this need can find its optimal solution in implementing a European project which promotes experiential learning within a system that encourages cooperative learning, a system that offers modern educational resources for teachers.Vocational schools participating in similar projects promoted the Spanish educational system as being based on innovative teaching strategies and benefited from an effective exchange of best practices for all partners involved.Our project "The initial and continual training in a pedagogical European school" aims at developing those competencies in our students that will allow them to design and organize lessons using new, student centred teaching strategies based on active and participative methods and on strategies enabling collaborative learning.The project aims at bridging the knowledge gained from the chapter called “The methodology of training” in “Evaluation: theory and practice” with the training methods observed in a two week training session and also with the sample lessons the students conduct starting with the eleventh grade. The host institution will provide students with the learning context focused on the needs of the group, monitoring their development during the mobility and validating their newly acquired professional skills.We chose the mobility to be when students are in the second semester of the tenth grade, in each of the two years of the project, precisely during their first acquisitions in teaching. Thus, a solid basis will be laid for the following year, when they begin to design lessons and teach themselves. During follow-up (eleventh grade) they will show what they had learned to both their fellow students with whom they undergo the teaching activity and to their teachers who assist and evaluate their work.As the methodologists bear the responsibility of transmitting the first methodological notions (by mentoring students in designing and organizing lessons) it is advisable that they should participate in job-shadowing activities which will combine visits to similar training institutions and to universities with direct observation of the teaching process in schools and kindergartens in the host country.As a result of such professional experiences, the methodologists will apply new strategies in demonstrative activities (during classes or in department exchanges) thus reaching both students and teachers. The project results will be effective mainly with our students who will widely apply them for the future generations.The activities in the first year of the project will be repeated in the second year so that a representative number of teachers and students should benefit from these positive, continually improved experiences. This, in turn, will generate a strong and durable impact on our organization.Our College, which is also a European School, is dedicated to promoting the European values, especially performance.
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