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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „EUROPEAN TRAINING IN HEALTH CARE FOR STUDENTS OF SANITARY POST-HIGH SCHOOLS OF HUNEDOARA COUNTY”, proposed by a consortium consisting of 3 sanitary post high schools of Hunedoara County, coordinated by the Post High School „Carol Davila” of Petrosani, addresses 100 pupils of II and III year, qualification pharmacy medical assistant, general medical assistant and balneokinetotherapy and medical recovery assistant who need: - practical training and specialty training according to the current level and standards for health care in the EU countries. The goal of the projects is to provide the participants the opportunity of a training placement in a different country, in their field of education in order to obtain professional, social and personal development, a complete qualification ( in compliance with SPP) and excellent medical competence ( requested by the labour market), a wider perspective on the career opportunities they have, so that they could become more self confident and responsible in relation to their profession, patient, health of the European citizens, ensuring the premises for a better insertion on the labour market. Taking into consideration the matters mentioned above, we aim at the following specific objectives: O1.Improvement of professional competences and development of practical skills specific to nursing for the future medical assistants with specializations in general nursing, balneo-kinetotherapy and medical rehabilitation and recovery and pharmacy in order to acquire the professional standards requested by medical entities and pharmacies and used in the European practice, their recognition abroad in view of enhancing employability O2. Acquisition of linguistic competences with focus on the professional side, intercultural competences in order to increase integration opportunities/ access to the European labour market. O3. Strengthen the national and international partnerships of Sanitary Post High School of Petrosani in order to facilitate transnational mobility for learning recognized for VET trainees and geographical for the future medical staff. AMG placement periods last for 42 days and are part of their training curriculum, whose content and duration comply with the Directive 89/49/EEC regarding nursing and CE recommendations and comprises in the 3 year, 24 weeks of theory and 18 weeks of clinical stages, of which 6 are in geriatrics and palliative care. Flows: march /may 2017 , 2 flows of 15 participants each and march /may 2018 , , 2 flows of 15 participants each For AMF the mobility stages have duration of 28 days and correspond to the practical training for 3 modules of specialization: Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacy Marketing and Pharmaceutical Forms as heterogeneous disperse systems. They take place in : may 2017, 1 flow and in may 2018 , second flow of 10 participants For AMBKT the placement stages have duration of 20 days and match the practical training afferent to the module occupational therapy, a relatively new subject of study, introduced into the Romanian curriculum and in the medical care system of Romania. Takes place in: February 2017, 1 flow and in February 2018 , second flow of 10 participants Mentoring and guiding will be done by teachers of the Portuguese medical system, with expertise in their profession and in mentoring and monitoring is performed by CMRA-Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação de Alcoitão , EPM- Escola Professional do Montijo ,Sc.SanitaraPostliceala Petrosani, coordinator of the consortium and the 2 partner schools through teachers specialized in medical field. LO acquired by the students, assessed by a commission of medical staff PT-RO, validated and registered in the Europass and then transferred in Romania via ECVET and recognized by the school, will be included in the qualifications. Linguistic acquisitions will be assessed on-line using modern instruments provided by CE and certified by school or the language centre that contributed to their acquisition. The impact of the mobility will be reflected in the degree of insertion on the labour market of these future medical staff and in the health care practice. At institutional level ( of the school) we will obtain better results at the graduation exam of the post high school, a higher transition indicator of the two qualifications and a faster integration in an institution that provides health care, experience in the implementation of projects with European funding. The ECVET partnership and the collaboration between school- medical units established by the project will contribute to increase quality of teaching and learning in the field of nursing, to strengthen the European dimension and to improve the medical act in the Romanian and European sanitary system. Sustainability is ensured through a new project, Erasmus + accreditation, higher volume of mobility for learning and career.
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