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Formación Profesional en el Espacio Laboral Europeo. Segunda Edición
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This second edition of the Vocational Training in the European workplace project, continues with the consortium model. The consortium is still coordinated by the Regional Centre for Innovation and Training “Las Acacias”, hereinafter CRIF Las Acacias, and there are nine officially credited Vocational Training Schools of the Autonomous Community of Madrid taking part . The realization of the planned mobilities aims at improving practical skills (management, planning, etc), encouraging initiative and entrepreneurship and increasing social and emotional skills among teachers.The project implies a clear commitment of all members to the internationalisation of the participating centres, thus becoming active agents for the dissemination of the Erasmus+ philosophy. We want to highlight that this project focuses on the training mobility for Vocational Training Teachers, its main objective being the creation of opportunities to improve the cooperation between VET centres and European companies. We intend to connect teachers with the workplace in a most active way, in order to improve the impact on the educational activity and therefore the employability of the Vocational Training graduate students.Teachers will benefit from this mobility in a company of their sector in a European country. They will participate in a real productive activity and share the working environment. Thus, they will cover the training needs arising from the continuous transformation of technology and processes in industries and services companies.As we did last year, a training course is also to be run, with the participation of all the schools of the consortium, that will provide attendants with a more theoretical learning, a complement of the practical training meant to be implemented through the mobility. List of planned mobilities:-School, sector,host countries, number of teachers-IES Hotel Escuela Hotel Management and Tourism, Foreign Languages - Denmark, 2-IES Hotel Escuela Hotel Management and Tourism - Czec Reupublic, 2-IES Humanejos Transport and Vehicle Maintenance - Germany, 2-IES Juan de la Cierva Mechanical Manufacturing - Sweden, 3-IES Juan de la Cierva Mechanical Manufacturing -Denmark, 1-IES Julio Verne Electronics - Italy, 2-IES Prado de Sto. Domingo Electronics - Italy, 1-IES Moratalaz Health Care - France, 3-Escuela de la Vid Agricultural - Portugal, 2-IES Hotel Escuela Hotel Management and Tourism, Foreign Languages - Belgium, 2-IES Hotel Escuela Hotel Management and Tourism, Job Training and Counselling - Italy, 2-IES Hotel Escuela Hotel Management and Tourism - Croatia, 2-IES Hotel Escuela Hotel Management and Tourism, Foreign Languages - Belgium, 1-IES Ícaro Marketing and Commerce - France, 3 -IES Islas Filpinas, Graphic arts - Germany, 2-IES Islas Filpinas Graphic arts - Italy, 2In order to manage the project and coordinate all the agencies and personnel involved, a diagram of Gant will be used and shared through Internet (Gantt account). It will allow participants to edit and view all events. Web pages of the centres, twitter accounts, such as FPCrif, a specific blog and information leaflets will be used for general dissemination of the project together with the participation of teachers in the European Mobility Conference which is organized yearly by the Vocational Training Department of the CRIF “Las Acacias” . The CRIF “Las Acacias” offers the Virtual Library of FP, based on Moodle (, that will be be used as a means of communication with partners and beneficiary teachers. It will serve to provide practical information and as a communication forum, as well as to disseminate teaching materials resulting from the mobility. We expect a relevant impact throughout the Vocational Training Schools in Madrid. regarding support and encouragement for both teachers and pupils participation in these training stays in the European workplace

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