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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is framed within the interest of some teachers in our school to include CLIL methodology in their daily teaching practice. This interest is supported by the former experience of three years of inclusion of these activities. During this period the number of teachers devoted to include this kind of activities either regularly or from time to time has increased and so the number of students under the impact of these activities and also the quality of the materials and the experiences. This methodology is related, on the one hand, to the language project of the organization, which, besides considering the fostering of the official languages in our autonomous community, Spanish and Catalan, also considers the work with foreign languages (English, French and German) under the perspective of a multilingual teaching (knowing and reflecting about the own languages helps knowing and the acquisition of a second, a third, and a fourth languages. This is included in a reserarch project carried out by the Group of studies for multilingual classes from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. On the other hand, this project is also connected with the tradition of our school in having contact with foreign organisation through the participation in Comenius projects (six up to the present times). The aim of the project is to counteract one of the most important obstacle in the implementation of activities with CLIL methodology: ability in the foreign language (English) of teachers who do not teach languages, together with a better knowledge and deepening of CLIL methodology for teachers teaching different subjects with a good level of English. Also, updating of capabilities for teachers who teach languages recently included into the language project of our school (German) and finally, study of successful organisations in the development of foreign languages and the possible enforcement in our school (about CLIL methodology and its impact and the multilingual approach in the organisation of the school). The number of participants is: during the first year: Training in instrumental foreign language (English) for 4 teachers of different subjects in the United Kingdom, who are interested in implementing CLIL activities, as shown in their participation during the last three years in the activities carried out about this topic and who have contributed with materials in the database created with that purpose. Training of 1 teacher in instrumental foreign language (German). This language has been recently introduced in the language project of the school in th year 13-14 and it is taught by a teachers with B2 level who needs upgrading to level C1, required at present. Training of 1 teacher of a teacher in instrumental foreign language (French). This language has a big demand by students and its teaching needs the particpation of a teacher who is not specialist and needs updating of the command of the language. Study of a succesful sample with good practice in CLIL implementation by two members of the school board. They know the aspects about organisation in the school and therefore possible application of the observed example. During the second year: Training of 5 teachers in CLIL methodology abroad with the aim of deepening in this methodology and also refreshing the use fo the foreign language (English). The profile of these teachers is of advanced users of the foreign language and already an expert in the use of CLIL methodology. Training of 1 teachers in instrumental language German. The second level of this language will be introduced in year 14-15 and it will be taught by a teacher with level B2 who needs upgrading to level C1, required at present. The outcome of the project will be: 1. Training for teachers in the above mentioned aspects (instrumental language, CLIL methodology and study of organisations ). 2. Monitoring of the project and its implementation (meetings, paperwork) 3. Implementation of CLIL activities. 4. Reflection about the activities 5. Spreading of results 6. Creation and participation in collaborative projects with foreign schools using the etwinning platform from non-linguistic subjects. The expected impact is: -for participating teachers: improvement of the level in foreign language, improving in the number and quality of the CLIL activities , increasing of propensity to carry out this kind of activities and to participate in other projects of internasionalisation of the school by means of the introduction of the European dimension in the teaching practice. Testing of new pedagogical methods. -for the students: increasing the impact of CLIL methodology on the number of students. -for the school: creation of a real multilingual school and with international scope. It will consider the knowledge of foreign languages as real added value in the quality of education.
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