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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project FORINS 2014 is aimed at 115 students attending the long established network of five Technical / technological secondary schools, that also includes an Economic sector, located in an area called “Alto Vicentino”, in the province of Vicenza. The program includes five weeks of internships, the first of which is used for enhancing linguistic and social inclusion and will take place in Germany, Spain, UK, the Czech Republic, Estonia and the Netherlands, starting in Summer 2015. The project is based upon the industrial sector historically located in the Vicenza’s foothills. The sector is represented in particular by the “Mechatronics District”. The main objective of mechatronics is to optimise the systems and processes of production effectively and efficiently and nowadays it has been applied in many sectors of production. The students of these schools, thanks to the professional skills they are acquiring, are to be considered strategic resources for the economic recovery of both the manufacturing industries and the tertiary sector of the region, considering that the area is dotted with lots of SMEs that have strong links with foreign markets. The Consortium of mobility that promoted the project, aims to consolidate the relationship between school and society and between school and companies that will be able to understand and appreciate what can be acquired through non-scholastic situations. Presently, the industry in the Vicenza area is struggling to recover from a very difficult period marked by a deep economic crisis that has gradually led to an unemployment rate unknown before the crisis began. The companies and all the organizations that support the project firmly believe that education, training and research are essential to the economic development of the region. Therefore, it is extremely important to give young people the opportunity to increase their professional skills in new technologies and guarantee the dialogue between cultures which, at the same time, can be open to innovation and aware of the historical identity of the territory. The apprenticeships will be preceded by preparatory activities that will focus on some basic aspects of the work environment, such as security in the working place, development of international business relationships and social liability of the enterprise. The apprenticeship, therefore, is to be considered as a ‘learning unit’ whose aim is to make the student acquire new competences. He/she is asked to carry out a well-defined task backed up by evidence of the job completed whilst complying with his/her individual training project, according to the educational project which combines school and work experience. The learning outcomes will be validated and recognised by ECVET procedures that have been agreed upon with all the partners.

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