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Forebyggende strategier og krisehåndtering på skoler i Silkeborg kommune
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project has been established, following an assessment that the consortium needs more knowledge on the effects of crisis on school children aswell as knowledge on crisis management in schools. The overall aim of the project is to qualify the crisis intervention to reduce the negative effects of crisis in schools. Additional aims of the project are to develop preventive strategies as to ensure safe schools and good learning enviroments for the children.The municipal director of schools is the leader of the consotium, which consists of the municipal school department (incl. the PPR-crisis team) and the headmasters and employees of two schools (Thorning school and Kjellerup school).The crisis team organises monthly meetings, to explore and develop strategies for crisis intervention and safe schools. The crisis team furthermore organises quarterly workshops, with the aim of developing materials to support crisis intervention and preventive strategies. In february 2017 the crisis team will participate in an international training course with the ESPCT - Crisis Managment in Schools - Trauma Counseling. In september 2017 the crisis team will host a small conference/lecture for the rest of the members of the consortium to pass on the aquired knowledge. In the project there is a focus on the exchange of experience end development of methods in collaboration with the other European partners, and there is an ongoing dialog with the international ESPCT-network according to this.We espect that the project will give the consortium extra knowledge on how crisis effect children in schools and knowledge on crisis management in schools. We espect to acchieve a more qualified crisis intervention in the schools of the municipality that will reduce the negative effects related to crisis in schools. Furthermore we espect to enhance the preventive work as to ensure safer schools and better learning enviroments.We whish to distibute the acquired knowledge on crisis intervention and the knowledge on establishing safe schools enviroments to the rest of the schools and institutions in the municipality, who are not part of the consortium. This can be done in workshops/lectures for headmasters and staff. The experiences and materials from the planned small conference/lecture in september 2017 will be used for such activities.Other municipalities have shown interest in and requested our organisation for the exchange of knowledge on prevention an management of crisis. Hence the experience of this project will be able to benefit other municipalities separate from our own.

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