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Förderung von Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten durch einen englischsprachigen berufsbezogenen Austausch
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Improving skills and competencies through an international vocational exchange in English" aims at improving the quality of teaching and outcomes for teenagers facing difficulties in their lives. The Berufkolleg für Technik und Gestaltung is a college of further education in Gelsenkirchen. The students mostly come from the region, which faces difficulties such as a high unemployment rate, social inequality. Most of the students have never been to a foreign country or experienced leaving their immediate surroundings. That is why there is a need to widen their horizons and help them achieve what they can through international experiences, no matter where they come from. At least 70% of the students on mobility face difficulties like the ones mentioned. Students and staff on mobility will stay 2 weeks in Scotland. Staff on mobility will be sharing best practice, have discussions with colleagues, will experience teamteaching and job shadowing, learn about culture and intercultural behaviour, so that they will bring new ideas to their own work and lessons and share these with colleagues and teams at home. 1 teacher will accompany the students. The staff will record, report their experiences and be part of the evaluation process. All in all the project will run over 12 months and there will be 10 students and 2 teachers on mobiltiy in Scotland. The actievieties will be carefully planned in advance by both colleges. The students will work and learn with students of about the same age. They will be able to use and extend their abilities and knowledge. Working and learning in a foreign country, in a new and unknown situation will lead to new opportunities personally and professionally. Students will be motivated learners, who appreciate differences and other cultures, train their intercultural behaviour and successfully complete their studies as best as they can. Mobility, travel, showing an interest in other cultures, new contacts and friendships are a vital and most important aspect of successful learning and have a great impact on the learner's personality and influence on their lives. The participants are full-time students and teachers of Information Technology or Mechanical Engineering leading to A-Levels or a similar technical diploma. The participants will learn, work and be educated in these fields of work. As these are mathematical-technical courses we seek to send not only male, but also female students. The impacts and benefits will have a long-term local, regional, national and European effect. There will be immediate benefits and changes for the students in their attitudes, their motivation and strive towards success, in using their skills and competences and new abilities, in valuing English as a useful language. This project will be an important part in the development of our college towards internationalism and equal opportunities. The project will be evaluated using suitable parametres and will be published on our website, Facebook and presented to the school community.

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