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Förderung Internationaler Kompetenzen Fahrt des Odysseus II
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. The target of the twelve weeks’ stay is that the participants got to know the difference between the various cultural characteristics free from real professional area. 2. The combined system of attendance at vocational colleges while undergoing training on the job is characterized by norms which accompany the pupils throughout their apprenticeship whereas in other cultures the professional everyday life is prevailing determined by the individual interpretation of the system. 3. Our pupils should experience this competence and put it to practice in their later everyday life. 4. In addition to this the participants will reinforce their skills in Greek, especially in the first week during the preparation for Greek and they’ll also improve their multicultural competences. 5. The stay in Greece will give them the opportunity to advance their language skills on a higher level and to find their way around a multicultural context much easier, than pupils without exchange experience. 6. The project promotes the personal and multicultural competences of the apprentices and also their professional expertise so that they can cope with permanent changes on their world of work, which occur as a result of globalization and technical changes. Furthermore it will have a very positive effect on the participants’ personality.

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