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Förderung der interkulturellen Kompetenzen und Projektmanagementkompetenzen sowie der digitalen Medienkompetenz mit dem Ziel einer erfolgreichen Gestaltung, Organisation und Durchführung europäischer Austauschprojekte und Kontakte
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Improvement of cross-cultural competences, of skills in project management as well as digital media operation aiming at successful design, organization and implementation of European exchange projects and contactsIn oder to ensure the planning, organization and implementation of cross-cultural projects in future this two-year staff project aims at improving linguistic and intercultural skills, skills in project management and monitoring of cross-cultural exchange projects and digital media competence for a considerable number of our teachers. Furthermore, this staff project intends to provide the know-how of new communication technologies suitable for planning and implementation of European exchange projectsWe intend to send out a total of eight teachers from various fields of duty as well as from various departments. Four teachers should spend one week doing job-shadowing at two different European schools – two at each school. Two teachers will attend a one-week international training seminar in Spain on development of cross-cultural competences and learning of best-practice examples to fight racism, prejudice and discrimination at schools. The other two teachers will spend one week in Turkey attending a vocational training seminar on management and monitoring of cross-cultural exchange projects as well as the organization and implementation of European contacts with the help of digital media.By doing trainings and job shadowing we can implement intercultural competences and digital media competence for European contacts and projects in the syllabuses of the school subjects concerned. Furthermore, the teachers having gained intercultural skills, digital media competence and experience as well as skills in project management, will be able to establish cross-cultural exchange projects.We hope that the experience gained during the project will help to establish contacts with European schools - that it will help to increase the understanding of European cultures, that it will help reconcile existing differences and, most of all, that it will inspire more teachers and students to participate in European projects and will improve the intercultural, linguistic and social competences of our students. These competences shall help to fight racism, prejudice and discrimination at our school, to reinforce the understanding of Europe as a community and to enable our students to meet the requirements of the European and international job market and, thus, to fight increasing unemployment.

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