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Förderung der Europakompetenz der Schülerinnen und Schüler in der dualen Ausbildung als Teil der Europaschule
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Advancement of European competence of students in an apprenticeship in catering and tourism as part of being at a European school” is supposed to set the course for the future work of our school in respect of enabling more apprentices to pass a part of their training in a foreign country. The contacts gained and experiences made within this project shall be the foundation for other projects within the department of catering and tourism but above that also for other departments and types of educational qualifications which are offered at our school. This project is based on experiences that have already been gained in previous European activities but is also supposed to be a follow-up project for the delegation of students doing an apprenticeship to foreign countries. What must be organized beforehand? How are the students to be prepared? Which partners and what kind of support is required? How are mobilities organized and executed? How are students taken care of and coached? How can the experiences made be included into the daily life at school and at work? How are the mobilities going to be evaluated and deliberated? How can consequences be drawn and how can processes be optimized for following projects? All these are questions which can’t be answered but during and after the project and which are intended to lay the foundation for all coming activities which are concerned with sending trainees to a foreign country as part of their regular apprenticeship. The set up of this project is also in its second year rather small . After the positive experiences of this year's project it is carefully extended by office clerks and a retail assistant with a distinctive profile. They have already proven to have acquired a fundamental knowledge of English, are at the time of the application in their second year, posess good professional ands personal skills and have already shown interest in projects of this kind. Here in Germany they are going to be prepared profoundly within the areas of language and communication, cultural knowledge and professional skills and learn, in collaboration with the foreign partner institutions and enterprises, to independently live and work in a foreign country and are going to acquire new language knowledge as well as personal and professional skills and faculties. The project is going to be executed in close collaboration and coordination of all involved parties (apprentices, their employers, foreign partner institutions and cooperating enterprises as well as our school). For the exchange of information, especially for the communication with our foreign partners, modern communication devices and platforms such as Etwinnings are going to be used. A special focus is on avoiding disadvantages of any kind for the involved parties. Everybody will benefit by this project and all requirements of the concerned institutions and individuals will be taken into consideration. This includes aspects such as insurances, boarding and accommodation as well as travelling. All these points have already been thought about and are organized or prepared. Partnership mandates or a Memorandum of Understanding is going to be agreed on and signed by all partners. This obligates all institutes to do everything they can to organize, execute and evaluate this project. By the usage of Etwinnings and Email communication is going to be institutionalized so that a permanent exchange about the development of the trainees is secured. The process is going to be monitored permanently and evaluated at the end. This will mainly happen by the students’ reports, questionnaires and SWOT analyses. During the placements, contact will be held by Etwinnings but also email and telephone are possible means of communication to be able to act quickly and be able to react spontaneously in cases of emergencies. Extremely important for the success of a mobility is its preparation. These are going to be mainly proceeded by the employees of the vocational school in Oldenburg. A special focus here lies on language and communication skills of the trainees because these are fundamental for the concerned persons to get along easily in a foreign country and to feel well there. The short-, middle- and long-term results are going to be most fundamental for the concerned trainees. Through the vast extension of social and professional competences as well as the development of further language and cultural skills this is going to have a huge direct and long-lasting impact on many aspects of their future personal and professional lives. The experiences made will also result in an enormously high additional value for the concerned institutions which is going to have consequences which reach far into the future and will give the opportunity to many more apprentices to collect experiences in foreign countries for being more open for Europe and to gain better career opportunities on the European labour market.
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