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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is the aim of CINEL, through innovation and continuous improvement, on its special areas of expertise (electronics, energy, telecommunications and information technology), to provide high quality training services and value, adjusted to the needs and expectations of companies and citizens, contributing to the development and reinforcement of skills relevant to the labor market . CINEL aims to contribute to the development of quality learning throughout life and provide students and staff experiences and contact with other cultures and training or working contexts, and thus, also encourage the acquisition of formal and non-formal skills and contribute to the exchange and transfer of knowledge. The major objectives of this project are to provide young people the opportunity to contact with new professional teaching methods and provide them with an integration in the labor market (in job training), contributing to an innovative experience of mobility. In this project we engage in two streams, 29 trainees, 15 (from Oporto) in the course of Electronics Technician, Automation and Control and 14 (from Lisbon) in the course of Electronics Technician, Automation and Computers. Each group will have two stages: a structured training in specialized training centers in the identified technical areas and followed by in job training in companies. The knowledge gained in these courses go beyond the strengthening of technical skills, allowing the development of social and language skills, the development of entrepreneurial skills, as well as for the promotion of autonomy and sense of discovery of new realities, as well as the promotion of the values of European citizenship, which may enhance the improvement of the graduates employability levels and therefore facilitate their integration into the labor market. The skills and experience acquired by the trainees are important in the first place to enforce their image to potential employers but also the image of CINEL as training center that is committed to quality and excellence on its training projects. Sharing these experiences to other trainees or students, serves as a motivational factor for those who are attending vocational training and for those who want to come to attend the vocational training courses developed by CINEL, contributing significantly to meet the goal of fighting absence and dropout of training. The participation of CINEL in projects of this nature also contributes to the promotion and projection of the center in the country and in the world, enabling integration into European and global cooperation networks and allowing collaboration with companies and organizations seeking training in these areas. The knowledge obtained in these projects is relevant to the contribution of CINEL, in certain areas of expertise, for the upgrade of existing training courses in the National Qualifications Catalogue, and thus, to the modernization of the National Qualifications System.
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