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FLS - Forwarders, Logisticians and Salesmen - abroadfor vocational training within modern transport and logistics on an European level
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to build a successful career in the field of shipping and logistics, it is essential to have experience of being abroad. Therefore, the Friedrich-List-Schule wants to offer its apprentices the opportunity to partake in mobility activities covered as part of the Erasmus+ programme. Through this programme, it would be possible for the apprentices to learn and work in another European country for three to four weeks, whilst completing their first professional apprenticeship. The FLS was previously involved in the Leonardo Da Vinci and Comenius projects and would use their previous experience from such projects in the Erasmus+ project. 14 pupils will take part in the project. These pupils are training to become skilled professionals, trained in warehouse logistics and as logistics managers in wholesale and foreign trade, respectively. After they have finished the training for their apprenticeship, they will be fully qualified and they will be of age by the time they undertake their positions abroad. Depending on what stage of study they’re at, the participating businesspeople will have a fundamental understanding of national and/or international freight transportation, as well as possessing an above average or very good command of English, both written and spoken. Those apprentices who have experience in the area of storage will demonstrate a good understanding of handling, commissioning and the distribution of goods, as well as at least a basic grasp of English. Furthermore, all participating warehouse logistics professionals will possess a fork-lift truck drivers licence. Nowadays, especially in the field of logistics, mobility is a job requirement, if it is not provided. When considering our own business relationship with companies in Europe and especially in the Baltic rim, this mobility is strongly supported by firms in Lübeck. This project aims to encourage the apprentices in their readiness to participate in a vocational mobility and, consequently, to demonstrate the associated professional opportunities for development abroad. But also, domestically, mobility and overseas experiences are an important pre-requisite for professional development in the field of logistics.Professionally, linguistically and personally, a stay abroad would be ideal for the apprentices. For one thing, they would experience the difference between legacy work practices of an internationally-focused business and that of their own business and would be able to improve all their already acquired skills through application. What’s more, they would establish that, with their knowledge of English, they are employable in many European countries and can find employment in the field of haulage and logistics. The personal exchange between the apprentices and the supervisors on site, their ability to cope with everyday challenges in the business and in their free time and also, the discussion of training content would hone both their communicative and linguistic skills in their employment and free time. The participants would act as representatives of the FLS and through their engagement in foreign businesses, they would convince foreign countries of the quality of the German dual education system. Furthermore, through their experience report, they would awaken an interest in working abroad among other apprentices, young employees and businesses. What’s more, the FLS strives to secure further contact with foreign educational establishments, hence extending and strengthening the profile of the school as a European School.Following the approval of the project proposal, the participants would be adequately prepared for their stay abroad, nearer the time. For one, they would acquire a fundamental knowledge of the politics and economic geography of the partner country, through lessons on these subjects. Additionally, in English lessons, they would learn subject-specific vocabulary and everyday idioms and figures of speech and applications and descriptions of the training company would be requested in English. Furthermore, the FLS would prepare the participants in terms of content, requests, organisation and the course of the project and resolve particular queries and aim to fulfil wishes.It would be incumbent upon experienced members of the host businesses to look after the participants whilst they are abroad. A visit from members of staff at the FLS is not really advised, but it would not be out of the question, if there was an urgent problem that needed to be solved.In conclusion, in the course of the work experience, the apprentices and partners would evaluate the project, in order to consider possible improvements that could be made. To this purpose, work experience- and participant reports would be sufficient. At the end of the period of mobility, the responsibility for the settling of accounts would lie with the participants.

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